Text improperly placed/bleeding (Full Version)

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historysteve -> Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/17/2017 6:16:38 PM)

I can't post pictures cause I just joined recently (or something), but text on my game seems to have moved or changed size in the last week and now text overlaps with other graphics elements in a number of screens including unit display, commander's report, and the save game screen. To my knowledge, I've made three changes that may be the culprit: switched the game to run on a more powerful GPU, switched between windowed and full screen modes, and updated my game to the latest version. I've tested the first two and neither of those have affected the issue (I don't want to revert back to the earlier game version). I've also tried changing font size on windows and changed font sizes in the WitW/dat font file as recommended in other threads but neither of those have worked. So, help? Any ideas?

VPaulus -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/17/2017 8:38:27 PM)

I've added you to the trusted users list, so you can post now without restrictions.

Try some of the suggestions suggested in this thread:

historysteve -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/17/2017 9:50:46 PM)

Thanks for the link and the allowances. Disabling "Override high DPI scaling" in the compatibility properties did the trick.

Sniper31 -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 5:14:42 AM)

None of the suggestions above in that link on the Steam thread have worked for me. Some of the changes will work one time, but then the next time I start WitW, the same text over menu options re-appears. Can not get the fix to stick. I have updated to the latest version of WitW with Operation Torch, and also am running the latest GeForce video drivers for a GTX 1070 video card in Windows 10. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 5:51:58 AM)

just post your spec report so we can see what maybe wrong etc

How to get a DirectX Diagnostic file:

1. click on "START"
2. click "run"
3. type in "dxdiag" and click "OK"
4. check through the tabs and perform all tests
5. click "Save all Information..." and save the text file to a location of your choice

We prefer that DxDiag files be posted as message attachments rather than pasted into the body of the post.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 5:53:57 AM)


go into the WitW.exe compatibility settings and turned off "Override high DPI scaling" and "run as admin ticked also" and that made it run perfectly. but running it as admin keeps the problem / issue from re happening each and every load.

MemoryLeak -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 4:10:41 PM)

I'm having the same text issue. But I cannot locate WiTW.exe on this laptop. I run the game through STEAM.
Normally the files for applications are found under STEAM/STEAMAPPS/COMMON. Only thing there is Fallout 4.

Any suggestions where the executable is located?

Never mind. I had searched on WITW.exe but it is not abbreviated. I found it. Thanks anyway.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 4:20:15 PM)

just alter the drive letter to which drive you installed steam on


zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 4:22:19 PM)

or right click in steam on the game and find the folder that way


MemoryLeak -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 4:26:40 PM)

thank you. I actually went about it in a slightly different fashion. I was in properties in STEAM
selected BROWSE LOCAL FILES, It was in there. I disabled the DPI setting and checked RUN as ADMINISTRATOR.

I just read your other post, yes I did it the second way you suggested.

HOWEVER, naturally this lead to a different problem. I click on Play WITW on the games menu and it asks me if
I will allow it to run as administrator and I select YES. It then says it is attempting to
launch the game and takes me right back to the games main menu screen. I am caught in a catch 22 situation. I
can't get past the main menu it takes me In circles.

ANy suggestions?

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 4:39:27 PM)

i didn't need to use any as it works fine on mine in steam, then again i use a different setup etc


Windows 10 Home Single Language 64-bit (10.0, Build 15063) (15063.rs2_release.170317-1834)

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 144 DPI (150 percent)

Display Memory: 12230 MB
Dedicated Memory: 4062 MB
Shared Memory: 8168 MB
Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: TOSHIBA-TV
Monitor Id: TSB0108
Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
Output Type: HDMI

so i guess it all depends on your setup and DPI used, higher or more permissions will need more alteration, basic like mine need very little tbh, as i can get away without using compatibility mode even as well most of the time, just long term playing / testing i find it can be a tad more stable with it used, sometimes, as it depends on what i'm also doing elsewhere and with what app or program in the background.

MemoryLeak -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 4:56:05 PM)

Thanks. This is a brand new ACER Predator 15 laptop with GTX 1070 graphics and a lot of memory.
I don't remember how much. Only a couple of programs on it. I'm just using it because I am out
of town and trying to show my buddy WITH. But I have an over lapping text issue. Should work perfectly
buy naturally I have to f around with it. Which I have absolutely no patience for. I paid for it and it
should work exactly as advertised without me fixing anything.

Anyway I am finished playing programmer and I will wait til I get home and use my desktop.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 5:25:36 PM)

How to get a DirectX Diagnostic file:

1. click on "START"
2. click "run"
3. type in "dxdiag" and click "OK"
4. check through the tabs and perform all tests
5. click "Save all Information..." and save the text file to a location of your choice

We prefer that DxDiag files be posted as message attachments rather than pasted into the body of the post.

sorry but i have a bad feeling your laptop is a 1920x1080 model with a 141 DPI use, but a report will show for sure


while the cpu and memory maybe different, they share the same display, i think, as it's all i could find

a good spec of laptop, but if the DPI is that, and the game is run at 1920x1080 and the DPI is 141 and not the windows default of 144 for that screen size, you may have to spend a bit more time playing around with the settings to get it to fit, or go windowed mode at that size and see if that runs any better, but as a none default size, it's anyone's guess



docs haven't been updated for win 10 as not needed, as these are the default guidlines all should follow regrading DPI and screen sizes, sad but some still don't and it's always laptops, but that's not to say there isn't a work around as windows mode should work and display fine, or full screen with a given setting applied, just don't know which one to advice without a pc of the type in front of me i'm sorry to say[:(]

it's been a while since i took my MSCE exams, so a bit rusty and had to google a answer i'm sorry to have to admit, sign of getting older and not doing it every day, use it or loose it is correct it seems.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 5:42:22 PM)

here should be your settings to be used, hopefully it will be confirmed by your report to double check


so for an example

mine btw

Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)

are the same and using the default size for the res at User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 144 DPI (150 percent)

where as yours should be rounded down to a smaller size so to make it compatible eg 125% and the DPI for that is shown in the box above 120DPI[8D]

alter the resolution to the scaled DPI should make the game compatible without altering anything else regarding settings in game etc etc

so you have no need to wait, desktop will be fine anyway, as it doesn't use silly sizes like some laptops do

Sniper31 -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/22/2017 6:59:26 PM)

Okay, attached is the DxDiag for my system.

I have tried running WitW in both Fullscreen mode and also Windowed mode, and in both cases, the text looks good the FIRST time I run WitW AFTER changing one of the settings in the Compatibility Tab on the WitW.exe properties. BUT, the second and subsequent attempts to run WitW cause the text to be misformatted and overwrites various menu options. I have tried the following:

Running in Windows 8 Compatibility
Unchecking Override high DPI scaling
Checking Run this program as an admin
UnChecking Run this program as an admin
Selecting Application with Override high DPI checked
Selecting System with Override high DPI checked
Selecting System (Enhanced) with Override high DPI checked

In ALL cases listed above, the change will work ONE time, and then subsequent attempts at running WitW the text formatting overwriting menu options comes back. The changes are sticking after I make them, but the effects do not stick. I have also tried changing my DPI scaling in my laptop's Display Properties, and none of that fixes the problem. I normally run at 200% DPI as my display is a true 3840x2160 native display, but I have tried every DPI setting between 100% (makes everything miniscule on my display) up to 225%. Nothing changes the fact that WitW will run correctly ONCE, with no text formatting issues, but will then NOT run correctly on subsequent attempts.

Let me know if there is any other information needed.

I once had a similar text formatting problem for Command Modern Naval Air Operations (CMANO) but checking the Override DPI settings and selecting System (Enhanced) fixed it permanently. This does not seem to work for WitW.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 4:57:51 AM)


optional uninstall game and DLC if owned, and make sure folder is wiped / removed after uninstall, so no files are left etc or the folder.

optionalreinstall game and DLC if owned and patch to latest version, but to a none default install, eg C:\matrix etc (install the game as right click install as admin)

changed game exe back to default with non checked (shouldn't apply on new install either) as you should have also deleted the older shortcut!

delete this file wirpref as this sets the games preferences etc (shouldn't apply on new install either) as you should have also deleted the older one!

set screen desktop back to default, 200DPI etc or what ever windows says is recommended default, and check the Nvidia tools also, and if needed, set that back to default

do another report and check that both lines are the same

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: (what ever it says)

then run game (right click run as admin), and make sure its set to run in game as windowed, not full screen, load a battle and check txt and exit game and auto run also

run game again (right click run as admin) and this time load another battle and check, to see if it's saved the settings.

if both worked fine, games working and ok, if not alter shortcut and or game exe (will come to this bit later)

optional bits added only if it's a permissions issue

i'm not support either, just a member trying to help out, games almost all war games, won't scale to the latest high end DPI settings without some tweaking, one reason i still use a gaming desktop size monitor which supports 1920x1080 in native mode as there isn't enough game atm which warrant a higher spec.

4k ones, or Utlra HD and higher, as 8k and even 10k monitors have been out since 2015 with 10240x4320 pixels and that's 21 times more pixels than a conventional HD displays.

but the good news these types of displays scale differently and use a lower DPI, this one mentioned above uses a pixel density of the impressive screen is 135 ppi pixel per inch, making the picture more detailed than the human eye can perceive from a typical TV distance of 3-4 meters, which is next to know use what so ever for a gaming screen, as a typical user sits closer tbh, so imo would burn your eyes out for long term use.

Of course there are still major roadblocks and it is hard enough to find 4K content today but 10K content nevertheless exists.

this doesn't apply to war games either, as most use engines 3 to 4 years old, so this sort of long term planning and developing just isn't worth the effort, as most war gamer's still use xp, vista and windows 7 etc, so more than likely won't have a 4K display or card capable of displaying to it either.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 7:07:55 AM)

extra info for the creators update version of windows used and higher DPI settings, may make it easier for some to understand why default and none default settings are added and or used in games to help with viewing and scaling issues


the Magic numbers bit is the interesting bit, and MFC not native monitor still not supported, so high end DPI can still be an issue with certain hardware.

still issue with high DPI use in screens and high end gaming mouse using higher DPI settings, found this one out my self with a high end gaming mouse and posted it DPI range (200-12,000DPI) mouse have dead zones on certain high end DPI monitors etc etc

and finally

The need to log out and back in


Most of all, the fact that you have to log out and back into Windows to get most applications to render correctly after a DPI change is a huge pain-point. We do not currently have a solution for this beyond having applications updated to support per-monitor DPI awareness

so still not perfect for high end DPI use in games eg windows 10 creators edition, so more tweaks needed to get it right for those who use the high end latest tech etc i'm sorry to say[:(]

so to make a long post shorter, some of the settings altered may have worked, if you logged out and then back into windows, didn't know this or suggest it either, my bad[:(]

but you learn something new each and every day, all i need to do now is remember it[:D]


so in the end it's more of a hardware issue than pure software, while the O/S doesn't help, the hardware is equally to blame, while this doesn't help you, you may at least understand why so few posts on the subject, with most being laptops, the odd high end monitor one, is normally simple to answer and sort imo.

Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
Monitor Model: unknown
Monitor Id: AUO109B

Id is a number either on the hardware or given to the display by windows, so if 2 are used etc, it knows which is the primary and which is the secondary one etc

but as windows doesn't find the model or the name on it's own, means no drivers for it, so also doesn't know fully the ranges of it, when hardware is found, it's max and min and recommended range and settings can be used, when unknown, normally OEM models and nearly always laptop screens, as they make so few of any given ones, where as a desktop has a production run of 100k plus etc and the information is either embedded in hardware so once plugged in it gets read, or disk provided with the info on it.

Sniper31 -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 1:56:49 PM)

zakblood, thank you for your help and assistance, although I admit I am having some trouble following your explanantion. I understand what you are saying about laptop monitors being fussy and such. My particular laptop is a pure gaming laptop, built built by EVGA, the same makers of EVGA graphics cards. I also understand many, but not all, of the nuances with Windows 10 Creators Edition. I will try to test more of those Compatibility Tab settings for the WitW.exe by logging out and back in of Windows each time I test a setting. I admit, I probably was not being judicious with that aspect. In the meantime, I have gotten to a place with WitW where I can run it in Windowed mode and the it will keep the settings, so at least that allows me to play the game now. My original problem remains though in Fullscreen mode, which IS my preferred mode of play.

I should also add that I have tried the full reinstall option as you have described more than once. Further, I even tried installing via Steam last night to see if that is any better. It is in that manner which has allowed me to achieve the Windowed mode of WitW.

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 2:05:46 PM)

must admit windows mode is the only one i can use anyway, and also, if you alt tab in and out of windows in full screen mode, you can get errors, as the game looses focus, while running in windows mode this isn't an issue, alt tab doesn't apply as you already have access to the desktop, so can do other thing at the same time, windows mode covers 98% of my screen, so size wise also it's not an issue and is more stable for me, so a bonus.

and yes removing the pref file is almost the same as a reinstall, but i move all my games to none default places and have steam installed on C, bu data eg games on D, which seems to also work well, as some game have permission issues with the C drive, that don't seem to apply when installed on D or none default places, even if installed as admin etc, which again is odd i must admit.

i when i say is the only way i can use it, that's not correct either, i can use full screen, but lose the ability to do other stuff or screen shots etc, which is a pain and as i test mainly on a few pc's, i also do forum work at the same time, so full screen just limits my ability too much for my liking and use, so will maybe always use windows mode anyway, but glad you got part working etc, and i'm a geek so do at times find it hard to get stuff across with writing novels i'm sorry to say[:(]

Sniper31 -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 3:05:41 PM)

It's all good zakblood, I appreciate your efforts trying to help me out. [:)]

zakblood -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 3:09:19 PM)

enjoy your high end nice bit of kit, lucky man, [sm=innocent0001.gif] i might get one, one day

Sniper31 -> RE: Text improperly placed/bleeding (8/23/2017 5:46:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

enjoy your high end nice bit of kit, lucky man, [sm=innocent0001.gif] i might get one, one day

Thank you, it is a pretty nice gaming rig, for a laptop. I actually have a much more capable desktop gaming system, but since I have recently moved, all my household belongings still have not been delivered. I have been living in a hotel for the last month, and thus have only had my gaming laptop to use. It has served me well during this time though. Hopefully, within the next ten days I should be in a new home with all my 'stuff', and then I can be back to using my kick ass desktop. WitW has always run great on that system. [;)]

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