Wow! Did you guys know this? (Full Version)

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aaatoysandmore -> Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 4:23:27 PM)

warspite1 -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 4:29:33 PM)

Yes. This is not new. Most countries have plans for most other countries of importance - so they don't get caught with their pants down if something unexpected happens.

aaatoysandmore -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 5:02:04 PM)

Something I never new in my 62 years; it was certainly a good secret to me.

wworld7 -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 5:53:49 PM)

Yup, no surprise here.

IslandInland -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 6:17:59 PM)

Yeah, I read about that years ago when I bought War Plan Orange here on Matrix. I was googling around and read about all the other colour coded American war plans.

I think it envisaged a war that began over trade tariffs or something of that nature. It's strange to think of a war between the US and UK today but I guess that wasn't always the case.

Trugrit -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 6:40:17 PM)


The truth is the British are dangerous. They can be very destructive vandals.

In August 1814 they burned our Capital building, White House and much of Washington including
Books - 3,000 volumes in the Library of Congress.

The worst thing was they scared the hell out of Dolly Madison.
We could have lost all of those wonderful snack cakes. [:D]


Zorch -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 7:02:34 PM)




The truth is the British are dangerous. They can be very destructive vandals.

In August 1814 they burned our Capital building, White House and much of Washington including
Books - 3,000 volumes in the Library of Congress.

The worst thing was they scared the hell out of Dolly Madison.
We could have lost all of those wonderful snack cakes. [:D]


It's not the worst thing that could have happened - Mel Gibson could have made a movie about it. [8D]

warspite1 -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 7:09:46 PM)






The truth is the British are dangerous. They can be very destructive vandals.

In August 1814 they burned our Capital building, White House and much of Washington including
Books - 3,000 volumes in the Library of Congress.

The worst thing was they scared the hell out of Dolly Madison.
We could have lost all of those wonderful snack cakes. [:D]


It's not the worst thing that could have happened - Mel Gibson could have made a movie about it. [8D]

Well if he had it would no doubt have been as historically accurate as his other works. Not only would the White House have been saved its fiery denouement, not only would Dolly Madison's snacks have been kept safe within her ample bosom, but Canada would have been invaded and conquered by Abraham Washington or whatever.

Zap -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 7:25:11 PM)

Long live Mel Gibson!!!!

warspite1 -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 7:28:33 PM)

Long Live Dolly Madison's ample bosom!!!!

Zorch -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 8:47:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Long Live Dolly Madison's ample bosom!!!!

Long Live gazongas! (a synonym, I'm told)

aaatoysandmore -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/18/2017 9:16:41 PM)

I want the wargame [:D] It would be interesting to see what Germany would have done at that time if it had happened. It said in the video he wanted it to happen and the British to win. So I guess as not to get us to enter WWII on the British side. It might have been "Making History" afterall. The ole what if. I guess I already got one version as I do have "Making History" and I don't have to side with Britian or Russia or France. What would the world be like if Hitler had of won?

Will_L -> RE: Wow! Did you guys know this? (8/19/2017 12:14:48 AM)

There is the Great War at Sea series of board games by Avalanche Press, not sure of their availability.
I had War Plan Orange, Red & Black. They got trashed when my basement flooded because some idiot NYC DEP worker shut the
valve on the system that drained runoff from my neighborhood by mistake on a day we had several inches of rain. I "only"
had 30" of water back up into the basement, a friend on the next block got 6' and had to be rescued by FDNY chopping through
the door to his basement in the backyard.

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