RE: Hurricane Harvey (Full Version)

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btd64 -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 2:53:42 PM)

The northern edge is almost at Columbus, OH. A little light rain is falling. But they don't expect much....GP

geofflambert -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 3:13:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy




ORIGINAL: witpqs


ORIGINAL: wdolson


ORIGINAL: witpqs

I found this on the NOAA web site the other day. [X(]


Here is real time river levels:

Thanks Bill that a good resource.

Seeing you post made me realize that I was vague in relying on context - just to clarify I copy-posted cumulative rainfall totals/estimates for the storm.

Harvey dumped an estimated 15 trillion gallons of rain. Incredible.

And it's still going...up into Tennessee and Kentucky now. Some areas there may get as much as a foot before it passes. Amazing.

That 51.88 inches is a record for the 48 states, but it is beaten by a 52" mark from a Hawaiian hurricane.

Lecivius -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 3:14:46 PM)

I took a call from a client this morning..

Client " My system is down. All incoming calls are just ringing. We need to get a tech out there ASAP"

Me "OK, whats the account number for the location?" <remember, I work globally>

Client "Account xxxxxxxxx"

Me <looks up number> "Sir, that location is a declared disaster area. I can't roll a tech until we confirm some things. Does this location even have power?"

Client "I don't know. I can't see it from here. The water is to high."

Seriously, when this job ends I plan on going to work at Home Depot, or flipping hamburgers at Wendys... [8|]

witpqs -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 3:36:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: geofflambert


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy




ORIGINAL: witpqs


ORIGINAL: wdolson


ORIGINAL: witpqs

I found this on the NOAA web site the other day. [X(]


Here is real time river levels:

Thanks Bill that a good resource.

Seeing you post made me realize that I was vague in relying on context - just to clarify I copy-posted cumulative rainfall totals/estimates for the storm.

Harvey dumped an estimated 15 trillion gallons of rain. Incredible.

And it's still going...up into Tennessee and Kentucky now. Some areas there may get as much as a foot before it passes. Amazing.

That 51.88 inches is a record for the 48 states, but it is beaten by a 52" mark from a Hawaiian hurricane.

Apparently in 1963 a hurricane dropped 100 inches of rain in parts of eastern Cuba. [X(]

MakeeLearn -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 3:44:38 PM)

Radar Precip Est From 02:36 AM CDT Wed Aug 23 2017
to 10:28 AM CDT Fri Sep 01 2017


MakeeLearn -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 3:51:49 PM)

"The outages in Port Arthur have boosted the lack of refining and the total amount will rise to 4.08 million barrels of oil a day, as some are only able function at half of their normal capacity, consisting of 22% of the U.S. refining capacity, a S&P Global Platts report said. While the Corpus Christi refineries produce 4.4% of the capacity in the U.S., the refineries in Houston, the fourth largest city, and Texas City together generate 12% of refining capacity, producing a mixture of products ranging from gasoline to jet fuel.

The outlook for refineries returning back to their normal rates of production is pessimistic as there could be additional shutdowns, said Patrick DeHaan, a senior petroleum analyst for,.

"Refineries have to deal with running out of crude oil due to the Houston Ship Channel and other Infrastructure being out of service," he said. "

witpqs -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 3:58:57 PM)

Walmart is matching donations 2 for 1. Their link sends you to an American Red Cross page set up for it.

BBfanboy -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 6:17:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

Apparently in 1963 a hurricane dropped 100 inches of raid in parts of eastern Cuba. [X(]

Crikey! There must not have been any bugs in that area for a decade! [;)]

Lecivius -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 6:21:05 PM)




ORIGINAL: witpqs

Apparently in 1963 a hurricane dropped 100 inches of raid in parts of eastern Cuba. [X(]

Crikey! There must not have been any bugs in that area for a decade! [;)]

^%$#@!!. I was all set to shut down & scoot, now I have to clean my key board [sm=00000289.gif]

witpqs -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 9:21:11 PM)




ORIGINAL: witpqs

Apparently in 1963 a hurricane dropped 100 inches of raid in parts of eastern Cuba. [X(]

Crikey! There must not have been any bugs in that area for a decade! [;)]

[:D] (Fixed. [:'(])

Chickenboy -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 9:44:36 PM)




ORIGINAL: witpqs

Apparently in 1963 a hurricane dropped 100 inches of raid in parts of eastern Cuba. [X(]

Crikey! There must not have been any bugs in that area for a decade! [;)]

Well, if memory suits, a whole lotta raid was dropped in the SW coast in 1961. A whole lotta raid nearly descended on the whole island in October 1962 also. That was narrowly averted. [X(]

Zorch -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/1/2017 9:50:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy




ORIGINAL: witpqs

Apparently in 1963 a hurricane dropped 100 inches of raid in parts of eastern Cuba. [X(]

Crikey! There must not have been any bugs in that area for a decade! [;)]

Well, if memory suits, a whole lotta raid was dropped in the SW coast in 1961. A whole lotta raid nearly descended on the whole island in October 1962 also. That was narrowly averted. [X(]

Bad Pun alert - Regrettably, it was not enough to kill the Castroach.

geofflambert -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/2/2017 1:24:49 AM)

I use a mixture of boric acid and brown sugar for that.

sventhebold -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/3/2017 1:56:45 AM)

Dont remind me of flooding nightmares. I lived in Moorhead Mn across the river from Fargo ND. The 2009 flood was bad enough as the water at the end of the driveway was 2 feet deep. we moved all the furniture upstairs and hoped for the best. Then the water stayed high for several days.

Chickenboy -> RE: Hurricane Harvey (9/3/2017 6:57:42 PM)

The gift that keeps on giving. Harvey just dumped 8" of rain on my relatives' place in Russellville, KY. Local minor flooding there too.

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