riflebrigade -> Scenario, Historical detail screens text not visible (9/6/2017 2:35:25 AM)
I asked this question in 2015 without any resolution. I am running War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition (1.01.24) on a Macbook Pro Retina Screen using Windows 8.1 through bootcamp 5.4. 10079DR.exe was used to instal on to MacBook Pro. I can not see text in Scenario Screens, Scenario Description, Scenario Details, Historical Details screens, pictures adjacent to text screens can be seen. Text appears to be on screen as clicking blank Scenario Screen gives click and causes pictures adjacent to appear. The SCEN Folder appears to have all Scenarios and complete texts. Could text colour have changed to same colour as Scenario screen background colour so it can not be seen, if so can colour of text be changed to make it visible? I can click on the Scenario Screens and load a Scenario without being able to see any text on the screens and when the game starts there is no text in the Combat Reports or in Unit Data screens either. I have reloaded program and added updates several times and used different settings but still no text. I downloaded the Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1125 updated 24 October 2015 and latter Unofficial Public Beta - 1126b updated 17 Sept 2016, the text was visible and everything worked ok when either program was loaded and run with base War in the Pacific program. I am running War in the East, War in the West, Command Modern Air Naval Operations and other programs without problems with any of them.