Halsey1945 -> RE: LUA code libraries. (10/5/2017 3:42:29 PM)
Not sure if this is the place to put this, but I made a program to create ScenEdit_AddUnits in Python. I was wondering if there are any special requirements or suggestions anyone can think of. Also, if I should try and make it in other languages. Here is what I have so far: A command prompt program that asks for unit type, decides what info is needed, asks for it, sends it to the right function (air, facility, ship, submarine), and prints the results. A program that takes an input file, creates a list by line of the input, takes the first input as unit type, decides needed info, sends to the right function, adds it to a result list, continues until there is no more list elements, and prints the results to a output file. This one is the most troublesome one. Also, right now you have to edit in the file names. my programming skills are rudimentary at best, but I am a quick and dedicated learned. And, I am hoping to help others.