Lend Lease (Full Version)

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alexmike1 -> Lend Lease (9/17/2017 3:39:34 PM)

I am trying to lend a build point from CW to China, but the program defaults to sending it from London to
Chunking, which isn't practical at this stage of the game. I'm trying to change it to send one of the Indian
BP's to Kunming, but can't seem to manage it. Does lend lease have to be capital to capital? If not how do I change
it? The Burma Road is open and there is already a resource being successfully delivered by the same route, so I
know that works. Grateful for any help.

paulderynck -> RE: Lend Lease (9/17/2017 8:02:10 PM)

You have to set a default route for the BP. Have you watched the video tutorial on production?

alexmike1 -> RE: Lend Lease (9/17/2017 10:17:46 PM)

Thanks for replying. I have watched the tutorials, though not for some time. I watched the production one again and
it actually didn't help. The bit I was missing was realising that you can click on the word 'Build point' on the
form and change the factory of origin for the trade (which isn't mentioned in the tutorial). Next part was recognising
there is no rail route from India to Burma for the BP - it has to go through the Bay of Bengal, which the Japanese
had just cut. At least I know though.

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