Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (Full Version)

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ncc1701e -> Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (10/4/2017 4:58:47 AM)

Just to signal that Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 is still in the work. [&o]

You could check an AAR of one of the latest Beta version here :


ncc1701e -> RE: Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (10/5/2017 10:41:13 PM)

GS 4.0 will perhaps also improve screen resolution:

skshrews3 -> RE: Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (10/9/2017 4:07:17 PM)

In no way a criticism, but I've never seen a grand strategy WWII PC or board game able to recreate what actually happened in 1940-"Manstein's Plan", a 4-6 week campaign cutting thru Allied lines from Sedan to the sea.
As the Axis, you always end up fighting a "Schleiffen" like battle, storming thru Belgium/Holland.
The original AH "Third Reich" was the closest I've seen do this.

ncc1701e -> RE: Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (10/10/2017 2:02:52 PM)

I definitely agree with you. This victory should have never happen. This is why it is so difficult to simulate.

ncc1701e -> RE: Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (10/21/2017 3:01:27 PM)

Call for beta testers:

ncc1701e -> RE: Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (11/24/2017 7:39:14 PM)

For information: "We hope to post a New public Version before Christmas which will be the final Version"

ncc1701e -> RE: Grand Strategy mod version 4.0 (1/4/2018 6:15:36 PM)

The new version is now officially out:


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