Khanti -> DC : Community Project EDITOR questions (10/8/2017 9:15:45 AM)
1. What are exactly consequences of disabling masterfile in scenario? Unfortunately I can't see any documentation and disabling is a must if one need edit rules. Even rulevar 906 can't be enabled without disabling masterfile (the one to remove showing reports when turn starts). In fact you can actually change 906 from 0 to 1, but it will not work when master file is not disabled. Another examples are rulevars 119/120/121 (XPs for combat). Default set is 10/3/0 which means nothing for pinned enemy and little for making them retreat. I like to have them as 9/6/3 so I need to disable master. But what is a loss when masterfile was disabled? Any advice? 2. What exactly will be imported by Import & Other Settings rules? Are Gamevars the base for scenario like masterfile? Can all values of masterfile be imported by that rules without using masterfile, so one could later edit all? Loc types, landscapes types, gamevars, map, units, SFTypes - what else masterfile has?