Psych0 -> Rail conversion bug? (10/16/2017 8:15:29 AM)
Hi. I think there might be a bug in rail conversion in the south near Rumania. I thought the limit is 4 hexes as the crow flies. So, I planned to convert from Ungeny NW up to and including Beltsy E, which is 4 hexes from Ungeny as the crow flies but 5 hexes along the rail line. Even 2 further hexes along the rail line would be eligible but not enough MPs to convert those across the Rum FBD and the 4th German FBD. The Rumanian FBD converted Ungeny on T2 while the 4th German FBD is railed in and ends its movement in Ungeny NW. Then in T3 the Rumanian FBD converts Ungeny NW and Faleshty for 9MP (1 spare). And FBD1 (starting T3 in Ungeny NW) converts Faleshty NW, Beltsy and Beltsy E for 13MP (3 spare). Naturally having flipped all that territory to Axis control and no ZOCs onto to rail line. BUT, to my surprise I was not allowed to convert Beltsy E. Is this a bug somehow?