AW1Steve -> RE: Nells (10/20/2017 10:42:20 PM)
ORIGINAL: geofflambert Bombardiers on 4Es had to learn how to fly. I don't know of a case but I bet one had to land one of those beasts after losing the pilots. Once ww2 started (prewar USAAF bombardiers and navigators were enlisted) most bombardiers and navigators were washed out pilot trainees. In those days , all aircrew required basically perfect eye sight. Today , most non-pilot flying officers wear glasses (only pilots need perfect , uncorrected eye sight). I can't speak for the USAF , but in the Navy among enlisted aircrew , there was an old saying "never trust an NFO (naval fight officer , a naval officer flyer who is not a pilot) who doesn't wear glasses. I've known some NFO's who wore glasses in flight , and contacts on the ground because of this saying. [:D]