DONMVP -> RE: New player, question pllllllease? (11/4/2017 5:45:27 AM)
Just saw your message . I don`t have the instructions any more from that manuel you mentioned . But i can try help if you need it .Over last 10 years i have made maybe 500 uniforms or more . Some fantasy , some pro .As every site and web page shut down over the years . I did save many things that all the guys put out to share. lIKE SHOE FILES , , BASIC UNIFORMS WITH NO LOGOS AND STRIPS , AND SOME OF THE OLDER STADIUMS THAT WERE CREATED AND MODIFIED BY ME AND SEVERAL OTHER GUYS, BY REPAINTING THINGS IN THEM , AND ADDING STUFF ON THE SIDE LINES. , Here`s my email , let me know what you know and where you want to start. Can`t answering everything about the game , because i use to ask a lot myself. don