RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (Full Version)

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Zap -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/8/2017 11:26:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: operating

Massachusetts rules of the road handbook. Saved me a bundle fighting moving violation fines. Found that many police and court officers did not know how to interpret motor vehicle rules of the road vs state statutes. Best book I ever read...!![:)]

Now that's pretty cool Operating[sm=Cool-049.gif]

aaatoysandmore -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 2:08:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rebel Yell

The Bible without a doubt. Not even a close second.

I'm witcha bruda man. [&o]

bazjak -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 10:24:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: aaatoysandmore


ORIGINAL: Rebel Yell

The Bible without a doubt. Not even a close second.

I'm witcha bruda man. [&o]

I thought this was a discussion about serious books not fairy tales

RFalvo69 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 11:38:01 AM)

The Lord of the Rings and Watership Down.

Among the many, many fine books of military history, I have a personal weak spot for "Pursuit" by Ludovic Kennedy.

Rebel Yell -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 3:57:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: bazjak


ORIGINAL: aaatoysandmore


ORIGINAL: Rebel Yell

The Bible without a doubt. Not even a close second.

I'm witcha bruda man. [&o]

I thought this was a discussion about serious books not fairy tales

You're welcome to your opinion but keep your insults to yourself.

BeirutDude -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 5:06:10 PM)

Dune, hands down.

demyansk -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 8:28:18 PM)

Lost Victory (4 times read - i think)

ncc1701e -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/9/2017 10:04:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: demyansk

Lost Victory (4 times read - i think)

Manstein's memories ?

Blond_Knight -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 12:40:48 PM)

Toss up between Jubal Sackett and Last of the Breed.

operating -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 12:51:31 PM)

Have to add Herman Hess's Steppenwolf and Siddhartha to my favorites reading list...

operating -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 12:55:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: BeirutDude

Dune, hands down.

Yes, have a copy of that too.[;)]

terje439 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 2:42:18 PM)

Lord of the Rings - read it first time when I was 7, have read it some 20 times now. Keep going back to it.

History of the second world war(Lidell Hart) - first WW2 book I read, and still find it to be a very good "entry level" book.

The Seventh Scroll (Wilbur Smith) - the first in Smiths "Taita series". Sometimes I want some simple action...

Raise the Titanic (Clive Cussler) - First Dirk Pitt novel I read. Sometimes I just want some simple action...

With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa - only read it after watching The Pacific. A very good book.

Could go on for ages, but these are some of the ones worth mentioning. Merely one book would not be possible. It is the same as "what is the best song". It all depends upon so many things. Fact/fiction? Mood? Mere entertainment? Dreaming yourself away? etc etc.

warspite1 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 5:59:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: terje439

Raise the Titanic (Clive Cussler) - First Dirk Pitt novel I read.



Sorry - there are two books I've read three times [:)]

wodin -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 6:45:04 PM)

Tough one.

Fiction I'll go for Lord of the Rings (Had a massive impact on my young brain, first read it around 11 or 12 years old and a few times since then) and The Borrible Trilogy (A trilogy everyone should read amazing when a teenager just as good as an adult).
The Red Horse by E Corti.

Non Fiction Island of Fire by J Marks. Others of note War the Infantry Knew by J Dunn, Laision'14 by E Speer, 4 Years on the Western Front by A Riflemen, all The German Army series by J Sheldon.

bootlegger267 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 7:33:44 PM)

Non- Fiction.....The Liberation Trilogy by Rick Atkinson (An Army at Dawn, The Day of Battle, The Guns at Last Light)

Fiction...."The Stand" (Unabridged Version) by Stephen King

plus hundreds of

MikeBrough -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 7:41:57 PM)

The Grimm Brothers did it much better.

MikeBrough -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 7:43:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: MikeBrough

The Grimm Brothers did it much better.

What happened to the post I quoted? The one about the Bible?

giacomo21 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 8:18:01 PM)

Fiction... Moby Dick. Melville is a "Wordsmith".

Non-Fiction... The worst journey in the world. Aspley Cherry Garrad.

Hon Mention... Dispatches. Michale Herr. Always carried in my pack, back in the days when
Marine Corp grunts walked everywhere.

Lützow -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 8:18:45 PM)



The Lord of the Rings and Watership Down.

Then you should read Tad Williams: Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn. I consider it even more epic than LotR.

Aurelian -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 8:23:36 PM)

Every book I ever read. And every one I own. Saves time listing them.

jwarrenw13 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/10/2017 9:36:37 PM)

I'll go with three. Les Miserables. War and Peace. A Tale of Two Cities. No, four. Moby Dick.

I didn't read any of these until I was 50. That makes a difference.

And I am JW who has been around many many years, but apparently I have fallen victim to the merge accounts curse.

Edit, Okay, it shows my post count and start date, just changed by user name. Interesting.

Blond_Knight -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/11/2017 1:09:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: bootlegger267

"The Stand" (Unabridged Version) by Stephen King

M-O-O-N Thats spells agreeing with you. Laws yes.

Crossroads -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/11/2017 3:24:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Miyamoto Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

Came here to write this. Awesome to find it listed already [sm=character0077.gif]

Crossroads -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/11/2017 3:28:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Crossroads


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Miyamoto Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

Came here to write this. Awesome to find it listed already [sm=character0077.gif]

"Takezo lay among the corpses. There were thousands of them."

One of the better opening lines, I'd say [8D]

ncc1701e -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/11/2017 10:10:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Crossroads


ORIGINAL: Crossroads


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Miyamoto Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

Came here to write this. Awesome to find it listed already [sm=character0077.gif]

"Takezo lay among the corpses. There were thousands of them."

One of the better opening lines, I'd say [8D]

Couldn't disagree with you [8D]

Cruiser87 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/11/2017 10:18:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: BeirutDude

Dune, hands down.

First book I thought of as well.

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/12/2017 2:44:33 AM)

The Bible.

Perturabo -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/14/2017 11:47:11 AM)

Ian Watson - Space Marine

MagicMissile -> RE: The greatest BOOK you ever read? (11/14/2017 2:48:18 PM)

I see I have similar taste as many others here.

A very short list would be

Tolkien - Lord of the rings read it more then 30 times in my life a bit insane but there you are :)
Toliken - Silmarillion havent read it 30 times but many many times
Tolstoy- War and peace
Alexander Dumas - Count of Monte Cristo (the long version of course)
Markus Zusak - The book thief
James Clavells Shogun, Noble House and Tai-Pan.
Of newer date and I´m not the right age group but I really liked Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games triology as well. I like books written in first person view so to speak. If anyone knows of any good ones let me know :)
In war/history I like Chandlers Campaigns of Napoleon

Well there are so many more but a small list anyway.

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