decourcy2 -> RE: possible bug/error (11/8/2017 3:04:59 PM)
Seriously? And I felt i was being smart using specific arcs. Dammit. Okay, I will try 0/0. 12 hexes? Okay, I can try that. I had been using about 15 or 16 since anything beyond and my pilots were exhausted the next day. I have expanded a few FP units, but mostly to 10's as I have, um, Nisshin I think putting 2 FP units on it and increasing them from 4-6 to 10 aircraft. We are on the same version now, I started my first turn on the release, Mike did his first turn on Beta, then on installed Beta for second turn. We know it had some negative effects as he has seen a few inconsistencies in reports. As an aside while I love the idea of specific pilot skills, and I know why this was added, it may be a little to specific. My flying boat crews "Sir, we see a TF over the South China sea!" "Report it in crew." "Sir, we have lost them, they went into a port and we cannot see them now as we have a recon skill of 19!"