Game stopping bug during Setup (Full Version)

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AdmiralFatcat -> Game stopping bug during Setup (11/7/2017 9:06:26 PM)

I'm playing a game of GW with Timian and we keep getting completely stopped after German setup. We can click OK for Initiative and Weather. The next screen says: Sep/Oct 1939 Axis#1 DOW: US Entry
Nothing happens at that point. The Next Phase is gray instead of green and no other screen opens. We have tried everything we know to get by it but no joy. We have done the complete setup twice. This bug has us complete stopped before we even get to play the first turn. Help!


Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Game stopping bug during Setup (11/7/2017 10:31:51 PM)

I need more information to understand what is happening.

Version of the program, Mode of Play, and selected Optional rules to start.

But posting a copy of the saved game would answer all my questions; say right after German Setup is done but before clicking on the End of Phase button.

Save the game at that point. Zip the resulting GAM file (so it is a ZIP file) and then attach it to a post in this thread. That will let me download your game and try to reproduce the problem you encountered.

paulderynck -> RE: Game stopping bug during Setup (11/7/2017 10:50:24 PM)

Unless this is on NetPlay, in which case you'll need to post both player's saves. Timian knows the drill.

Timian -> RE: Game stopping bug during Setup (11/8/2017 12:13:25 AM)

Sorry thought Ken (AdmiralFatcat) had attached a zipped file / We're playing with v2.6.1 / "Hot Seat" (is the Mode of Play) / Will send a Screen Shot of the Special Rules we're using in the next post . . . Don.

P.S. Very much appreciate the help Steve . . .

Timian -> RE: Game stopping bug during Setup (11/8/2017 12:17:20 AM)

And here is the Screen Shot with the Special Rule we're using . . . Don.

AdmiralFatcat -> RE: Game stopping bug during Setup (11/8/2017 12:17:45 AM)

Here is my file. Had a little trouble getting it zipped.


Timian -> RE: Game stopping bug during Setup (11/8/2017 11:03:48 AM)

Looks like Ken's zipped file is corrupted / Please go with my zipped file above . . . Thanks, Don.

And thanks to rkr1958 for the heads-up of corrupted zip file . . .

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