terry1040 -> RE: Statistics for your campaign (11/15/2017 2:33:56 PM)
Good Stuff. Thank you very much for your contribution. [&o] I struggled a little bit making it work for me. So here is my detailed way how I got it running with my CG. Start with Downloading the Excel-Sheet via the Link provided. #### Open and Understand the file structure#### 1) Open the File in Excel. The first 2 Tabs "Production" and "Global Stat" are for the analytics. Here you will do your interactive reporting.However to prepare this for your game, you first need to import the data onto Tab 3. 2) Switch to Tab 3 "raw date" 3) Zoom In !!! (:-) 4) The first column A is the turn number. Do not touch this column. 5) The first line contains headers. Do not touch the first line. 6) The file already come with 5 Turn of sample data (about 14000+Lines!!!). You do not need that and must delete it to make things work for your game. #### Deleting the current data sample #### 7) Select Field B2. Mark the row across until you reach AK2, just before the orange column. Do not mark the orange part or beyond. Do not touch anything beyond AK2. 8) Continue to mark all fields downwards until you reach Line 14036 (orange). 9) Delete the content of all marked fields, i.e. all the data samples. #### Entering your data #### 10) Export the file from WitE from the commanders report 11) You will find the resulting file in the Save-Folder in your local WitE-Installation-Folder (../dat/save/) 12) Open the resulting CSV-File (e.g. "Stats(Turn 001 1941-07-10 Ax).csv") with your Text-Editor (in my case Notepad). 13) Select all data and copy it within the Text-Editor into your Clipboard. 14) Switch to your Excel-Sheet again. On Tab3 select Field B2. 15) Past the clipboard data into the Excel-Sheet #### Cleaning the Excel-Sheet #### 16) Scroll down until you see the end of your inserted data. 17) Select the Last row of your data and mark the whole row with a color of choice (I used green). 18) Check Column A. All your data must be preceeded by the right turnnumber. If this is not the case, correct the turnnumber so that it is consistent in column A for all your inserted data, e.g. 1. 19) Select the next Row below your last dataset. It should start with the next turn number, e.g. 2. This is where you will past your next export file. For example for Turn 2. 20) The Excel-File currently contain enough lines for about 5 Turns. If you run out of line, you need to insert additional ones for turns 6 and beyond. 21) Make sure you do not touch the bottom part of the file. It also contains some formulars to ensure the analytics work. You easily recognize this as it has a different structure. Hope this helps. Cheers Terry