m10bob -> Wargames we would pay to see! (11/15/2017 4:10:03 PM)
Very glad to see our old favorite Steel Panthers World At War is being redone. (It was first offered for free by Matrixgames when SPI's original Steel Panthers became incapable of working easily on Windows platform machines.) As for other games? Maybe fifteen years ago there was a game called "Castles" which allowed a player (or players) to build castles in detail from te ground up. The player(s) also had the option to fight it out with other players, (or against AI players). There were even screens of dialogue for a sense of "role play". Te role play part IMHO was not needed. The game also came with some BBC movie files from BBC which were very interesting, informative, and helped the flavor of that medieval era. The player also had decisions to make, types of troops to create, livestock and agriculture to consider and the morale of "the peasants". Many other games out there which we would pay for, so I will keep my "wish list" to just this one. BTW, It would not need to be the actual game I mentioned, just the genre and era.[:)]