lion_of_judah -> Yom Kippur War - Released (11/16/2017 6:22:55 AM)
This version of the Yom Kippur war is AI capable. Syria for now is the only regime tested and so far they do a pretty good job giving Israel a major headache. I have not fixed the NATO images yet as Vic has requested as I just haven't had the time, but it is on my to do list. When opening the scenario you will get a graphic error message, but this is fine just hit yes. The graphic missing is the Mechanized Airborne silhouette so not a big deal. This will be fixed in later updates. In 1967, the Israeli Defense Forces scored a decisive victory against the combinded forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Israel controlled the strategic Suez Canal and the desert wastes of the Sinai. The Arab world vowed revenge. The Preparations: Six years later, the forces of Egypt and Syria attacked the Zionist State again. This time, the Egyptians worked out a careful plan to cross the canal and backed up the plan with better prepared, trained, and equipped troops. This set the state for the October war. Surprise: On October 6, 1973 Egyptian troops forced the canal crossing agtainst surprised Israeli units and cobbered the Israeli first line of Defenses, the Bar Lev fortifications. Success followed success as the tank heavy Israeli army came to grips with another surprise, SAGGER anti tank missiles. Followup: Content with their positions, the Egyptian commanders practiced a war of attrition until calls for help from their Syrian allies led them to make fool hardy attacks and leave their air defense umbrella. The Israeli's took the oppurtunity to affect their own canal crossing and made a lodgement on the Egyptian side of the canal.