UI & Formations select color change (Full Version)

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AstroCat -> UI & Formations select color change (11/16/2017 10:50:31 PM)

I made a small color change to some of the UI from red to green to red to blue. Easier to see I think. I changed all the files I could find that I believe would effect this change.

I also lightened up the "steel" Formations select circle marker.

This is a "down and dirty" mod. I'm sure it will be outdone along the way.

But for now here it is... Just drop the files in your: \Documents\My Games\The Operational Art of War IV\Graphics Override folder.

v2 (small tweak)

larryfulkerson -> RE: UI small color change red/blue (11/17/2017 12:36:28 AM)

Thank you Mr AstroCat dude. I tried it out. I'm keeping the cursor pictures
but the health pies looked too dark for me.

Tamas -> RE: UI small color change red/blue (11/17/2017 2:33:18 PM)

Moved to Mods sub-section as it is now open :)

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