Wish List (Full Version)

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alwaysdime -> Wish List (11/17/2017 10:21:04 PM)

Great game so far I am loving it. After playing for a dozen plus hours I made some notes of feature's I would love to see implemented at some point. So here is the list. Most of these are quality of life changes, a few might be a tad more difficult but here foes

Moveable Unit Info Panel please.

Scalable graphic and window sizes
I would love to make my micro map for instance double or triple the size.

Font key editor
Add a reset defaults. I had mine hosed after my first hour of tinkering. Maybe also have the map reload so the changes take place with having to do a restart.

Make the scroll arrow much easier to see and larger. Maybe give them each their own box so you can spot them better.

Micro screen
Load the Micro view BEFORE the first turn. It’s annoying if you’re on a large map and the AI goes first. You have no clue where the action is going on unless you then view the results at the start of your turn.
It would be much easier to have the map displayed at start at least in my opinion. Also, maybe add a start button once the scenario loads so you could scout the map out before turn 1 or exit if you don't like the size. I must end task if it looks bigger than I feel like playing.

View Options
I love the air units screen. It’s great to get an overview of the supplies of all craft. Could a screen be added for arty and Naval assets? Two separate screens of course.
I got this idea from Iwo Jima where you use both combined with aircraft for a lot of attacks and had to manage supply.

Scenario Description
Add complexity to the list so a user who wants something playable in an evening can easily find one. At a minimum add that to the description. Currently I must load up each scenario to judge how back it is.

Show Unit Report
I would love to have an option to make this a static window always displayed. My monitor is big enough and its just as/if not more useful than the unit info screen. There is an option to show the group view on double click, maybe do the same here as well?

Unit viewer - Combat Planner
Make the unit icons double the size. In a higher resolution you can't see the attack arrow and its very hard to see the readiness level. I would guess they are a quarter inch in size. I would suggest using the icon that is displayed in the Unit Report.

File Option
A restart scenario here would be great here.

Campaign series added the hotkey short cuts next to each option, so you can learn them while playing rather than having to pull up the manual and search for it. This would be a great quality of life option.

Hill/Mountain levels
This came up on another thread, but I figured I would add it. I don't see the need here but since you reduced the hex size down to I think .25 kilometer there probably should be new hill sizes for LOS. It was Pandora's box once you added a smaller scale :)

The unit size chart is off, and the NATO symbols are incredibly small. I would give them their own page, so they are readable. Maybe even have in their own doc if that’s easier

The word doc for it appeared out of date for the page numbers it tells you to refer to. Not a biggie for me but I’ve played every version of the game since the 90's. It’s probably troublesome for new players.

Add a Ken as US President Scenario
I could rise up, kick Trump out and deport all the liberals. Beer would be in vending machines, all vice's legal, and oldies stations would play Metallica. Not to mention there would be no need for tax cuts since I would seize all the wealth.
There would be no overcrowded prisons since the prisoner exit in the court room would lead straight to the gallows! Border wall? Nah, a mine field is more aesthetically pleasing.
The Operational Art of War 5 could get all new scenarios for a US war with N Korea, Iran, and Canada! What could possibly go wrong in this utopia society!!! :) :) :)

That last one was just to see if anyone was actually reading this.

Lysimaque -> RE: Wish List (11/17/2017 10:25:16 PM)

Add sound for Napoleonic and other 19th century scenario, then we will dont have sound of tank when we play La Grande Armée....[8|]

orabera -> RE: Wish List (11/18/2017 1:34:48 AM)

Resized and movable

Definable TOE such as WITE and WITW have

Air Missions
Day/night missions, makes no sense to send Do-217 night-fighters up against Spits

Meyer1 -> RE: Wish List (11/18/2017 2:12:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: alwaysdime

Make the scroll arrow much easier to see and larger. Maybe give them each their own box so you can spot them better.

Ironically the crude and larger TOAW III arrows worked better to scroll with the mouse, since the longer the arrow the easier to not passing the "scroll zone"

Olorin -> RE: Wish List (11/18/2017 10:36:08 AM)

This is version 12 of the Wishlist.


I'm sure it's outdated with the release of TOAW4.
What we need now is to discuss how TOAW5 will turn that document blue.

JTenebrous -> RE: Wish List (1/6/2018 10:31:28 PM)

New Hotkey:
Please add a hotkey to decrement the unit counter values (useful when Advanced Counter Values options are used). Presently it takes a long time to cycle through all the options using the "m" hotkey. My suggestion is to map "Shift-M" as the hotkey. I'm aware that you can right-click the "Unit Icons" UI button to decrement these values manually, but I'm a devotee of an efficient "all-hotkeys" approach whenever possible (partially as an "accessibility" concern due to wrist/hand issues that make it preferable to reduce excessive mousing/clicking).

Enable Group Composition Dialog Hotkeys:

Please enable the use of the "Unit Report" ("u" hotkey), "Formation Report" ("f" hotkey), and "Order of Battle" ("o" hotkeys) when mousing over a friendly unit within the "Group Composition" dialog invoked with the "c" key. The Group Composition dialog is my go-to way of determining the contents of a given stack, and being able to call up this additional information directly from within would enhance the efficiency with which I'm able to review my force composition in detail.

+1 to Resizable Minimap

+1 to Moveable Unit Info Panel <- Update 07Jan18: Note that this feature is now implemented in the latest beta update.


vsadek -> RE: Wish List (1/6/2018 10:42:25 PM)

1. Turn off/on Microview panel
2. Turn off/on Tool Tip


JTenebrous -> RE: Wish List (1/6/2018 11:26:55 PM)

Hi vsadek,

I just wanted to let you know that both of your current wishlist requests are already available in the retail release of TOAW IV:

1.) To turn off/on the Microview panel, look at the top-left of your screen for a small panel with two buttons: two flags and a right-facing arrow. Click the right-facing arrow button for a popout panel that allows you to toggle on/off all of the individual UI panels, including the the Microview panel.

2.) You can effectively turn off Tool Tips by setting an option within the Player Options menu, available under the "Play" dropdown menu in the top-left corner of the window header. The option you are looking for is called "Tool Tip Show". Click in the numerical value box to the right of the option and enter the maximum value of [one-hundred-thousand ms] (I tried to type in the digits but Matrix forums are blocking my post for submitting a "phone number"...). This converts to 100 seconds of mouse hovering required before a tooltip would appear... which is unlikely to happen often.

vsadek -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 12:26:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: JTenebrous

Hi vsadek,

I just wanted to let you know that both of your current wishlist requests are already available in the retail release of TOAW IV:

Hi JTenebrous, thank you for your reply.

1. Yes, I realized Microview panel can actually be turned off as well as all other panels. Just didn’t look hard enough.

2. I already fiddled with this options and with various values but none of them really works for me. I wish Tool Tip could be really completely turned off by off/on option.

BTW, none of this stops me from playing.


Meyer1 -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 12:33:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: vsadek


ORIGINAL: JTenebrous

Hi vsadek,

I just wanted to let you know that both of your current wishlist requests are already available in the retail release of TOAW IV:

Hi JTenebrous, thank you for your reply.

1. Yes, I realized Microview panel can actually be turned off as well as all other panels. Just didn’t look hard enough.

2. I already fiddled with this options and with various values but none of them really works for me. I wish Tool Tip could be really completely turned off by off/on option.

BTW, none of this stops me from playing.


If you set the "tooltip show" option to a very high number you´ll never see it again.

JapLance -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 7:36:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lysimaque

Add sound for Napoleonic and other 19th century scenario, then we will dont have sound of tank when we play La Grande Armée....[8|]

Take the cavalry sounds, put them in the scenario folder in Graphics Override and rename them as the motorized movement.


tverse -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 3:39:58 PM)

I would like a hot key that brings engineering unit to top of stack like HQs and artillery.

wzfcns -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 4:12:58 PM)

make AT weapon can destroy tanks on long range

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 4:34:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: wzfcns

make AT weapon can destroy tanks on long range

YesNo/Jein... other games, like the JT Campaign series, Tigers on the Prowl, WinSPWW2 do a good job on the tactical side. TOAW for me is perfect to simulate the operational aspects.

Just MHO,

Klink, Oberst

LeeChard -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 5:18:44 PM)

Scenario description would be my first choice.

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 5:51:05 PM)



Scenario description would be my first choice.

You mean more supplemental documentation, background, etc. to some operations/campaigns? I did update my Tutorial 'XX series so far; well... if you've been referring to them :) I'll dump the updates in due time.

Klink, Oberst

kch -> RE: Wish List (1/7/2018 6:09:30 PM)

I would love to have a collapseable oob that clearly shows who reports to whom. Maybe I am just not able to find it in game but all I seem to find is the overall list of the different units in the scenario on the oob tab without any clear overview which units pertain to what corps/army.

Also I would love to see a manpower count for each unit.

These suggestions are simply for immersion purposes.

wzfcns -> RE: Wish List (1/8/2018 4:12:44 AM)

In toaw,oob is not very clear.Each side been divided to many independent “formation”,and in each formation there are one “HQ” and many unit which are comanded by it.Multilevel command system,like division-regiment-battalion-company,is not exist in there.

Cabido -> RE: Wish List (1/12/2018 8:27:56 PM)

More control for local and tactical reserve.

For local reserve, one could choose a range to react and one or multiple directions. A dialog box would open after choosing local reserve as follows:

Range - ___
Directions - NE O E O SE O SW O W O NW O

The player could choose one or more direction and range to react, if W and NW is chosen, for instance, all the region inside the triangle of hexes which have those vertices as bisectors would be considered within the chosen range.
/.....\_ W / NW region
This would reduce erratical movement of units and prevent them from rushing in unwanted directions or react to distant combats when all you want is to react to some close combat outside the range of tactical reserve.

For tactical reserve a possible solution to the use of small limited combats to force tactical reserve units into place would be to allow the player to choose the number of rounds of combat needed to react. Two possible ways to do it:

A "reference" combat could be simulated; if greater or equal the number of rounds chosen by the player, another combat is simulated from the beginning with the participation of the reserve unit;

The reserve unit could jump into combat only in the selected round, without taking part on the preceding rounds.

An alternative would be to let player choose assault ratio lower limit for a unit to react.

Interface suggestion
A lot of times a go around moving or setting units deployments and then I alternate to other units, move them, before coming back to the preceding units to further orders. I must keep track of the units for which I still didn't finish setting orders. A way to tag units in order to remember going back and finalizing their orders would be great. A keyboard shortcut that when pressed displays a highlighted frame on the unit, for instance.

These are just wishes with some hastily thought out ideas. Maybe I'm just being unable to predict the collateral effects of these proposed solutions, but I think the problem of giving a little more control of tactical/local reserve units to players is worth looking into.

devoncop -> RE: Wish List (1/12/2018 8:39:18 PM)

A button to see ongoing losses in men and equipment would be amazing..and an end of game summary of both sides of course !

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Wish List (1/12/2018 8:56:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: vsadek

1. Turn off/on Microview panel
2. Turn off/on Tool Tip


Those 2 features already exist ...

Cabido -> RE: Wish List (1/12/2018 9:04:04 PM)

A way to add images to news events. Most will consider this superfluous, I imagine, but to place the picture of a conquered city or important region can help create some ambiance. I thought about choosing some simple scenario, as a test, and implementing some historical notes through news events using pictures in order to make the game more imersive and instructive, but discovered that we can't add pictures.

Dr. Foo -> RE: Wish List (1/12/2018 9:57:50 PM)

I wish for a stacking restriction option. For some games you can create these gigantic stacks of doom. I would like an option to limit the number of units in a hex, currently the limit is 9. I'd like to be able to say for this scenario only 3 units per hex or any number I choose under 9. Right now any limit can only be imposed by a house rule.

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 8:02:10 AM)



I wish for a stacking restriction option. For some games you can create these gigantic stacks of doom. I would like an option to limit the number of units in a hex, currently the limit is 9. I'd like to be able to say for this scenario only 3 units per hex or any number I choose under 9. Right now any limit can only be imposed by a house rule.

The limit should be a function of the size of the hex. 2 km is different from 50 km in terms of how many units you can stack.

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 8:56:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: nukkxx



I wish for a stacking restriction option. For some games you can create these gigantic stacks of doom. I would like an option to limit the number of units in a hex, currently the limit is 9. I'd like to be able to say for this scenario only 3 units per hex or any number I choose under 9. Right now any limit can only be imposed by a house rule.

The limit should be a function of the size of the hex. 2 km is different from 50 km in terms of how many units you can stack.

Perhaps... but, there are already stacking penalties in place. So, if there's a scenario (unlike though) where units are divisions and you stack 9 of them in a 2.5km hex... well... you'll do it once, but not again; they will suffer severe penalties.

Klink, Oberst

Shadrach -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 11:17:15 AM)

I agree it should be possible for a scenario designer to make areas, or the entire map, respect a limit to the size of stacks.

Like, the default is nine units, regardless of size. Why nine? Why not ten, five, fifteen? Just seems very arbitrary, did someone just pick this number, is it determined by the limit of units the Group Composition dialog is able to show?

Did someone throw 2 D12 dice 15 years ago and got nine? [;)]

On stacks, are there movement penalties for moving through/into a hex with a large stack, apart from the obvious that you can't move through if it's full?

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 1:35:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Shadrach

I agree it should be possible for a scenario designer to make areas, or the entire map, respect a limit to the size of stacks.

Like, the default is nine units, regardless of size. Why nine? Why not ten, five, fifteen? Just seems very arbitrary, did someone just pick this number, is it determined by the limit of units the Group Composition dialog is able to show?

Did someone throw 2 D12 dice 15 years ago and got nine? [;)]

On stacks, are there movement penalties for moving through/into a hex with a large stack, apart from the obvious that you can't move through if it's full?


19.1. Calculations

19.1.1. Equipment density
Up to nine units may be grouped in any particular
location, but in many cases this is a bad idea. Each
location has a specific allowed Equipment Density:
50 + 2 x Scenario physical scale

Scale Allowed Density
2.5km/hex 68
5km/hex 100
10km/hex 250
15km/hex 500
20km/hex 850
25km/hex 1300
50km/hex 5050

Any location with more than the allowed number
of Vehicles or Horse Teams suffers from traffic
jams (increased movement costs to enter). Any
location with more than the allowed number of
“active defender” equipment suffers from increased
losses in the Event of combat.

I might address this and a more detailed in the Tutorial '50 series... if I finally find somebody to create a map of the 'Republic of Zangaro' for me ;(

Klink, Oberst

Shadrach -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 2:08:17 PM)

Thanks Oberst - I kind of knew that, but I really need to get that manual printed so I can learn more [;)]

I was mainly just wondering why the number was decided to be nine.


Lobster -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 4:52:17 PM)

15 WW2 German infantry divisions in a 10km hex? In manpower alone that's around 225,000 men. If you put their equipment in there you would have to cut down all the plants and stack the horses. [:D]

But I agree that it should be under the scenario designers control.

Lobster -> RE: Wish List (1/13/2018 4:55:18 PM)

I've long wanted the ability to control every aspect of a scenario. Stacking limits, movement costs, terrain benefits, fairly everything that goes into a scenario.

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