RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/21/2018 10:45:29 AM)

Turn 77
3rd September 1941

Two years into the war and the news remains grim on all fronts... still at least the South Africans have woken up [8|] but it will take them some time to get to the action.

In the meantime it seems that I will lose the last two Australian infantry brigades sooner rather then later and so I don't see much alternative other than a pull back.

The two HQ's of the 4th Indian Division, an artillery regiment and an AA regiment all fail to get out of the trap as the allied armies move back....

Crusader is a defeat.... Wavell is heading for his P.45....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/23/2018 5:34:48 AM)

Turn 77 - Axis Turn
6th September 1941

The decision to pull back appears to have been the correct one. The Axis forces to the south of Tobruk are appearing in ever greater numbers, and the sheer number of German artillery still available to pound Tobruk is scary.

The two trapped British units were destroyed, although both Indian HQ remain on the battlefield - albeit in a precarious position.

The Axis made 32 bombardments/attacks that turn.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/26/2018 3:36:39 AM)

Turn 78
6th September 1941

Longmore places all non-dark-green air units to rest. This still gives 12 squadrons of fighters on air superiority, although only 4 Blenheim squadrons available for combat support.

With little infantry support available for the tanks (the South Africans are still someway from the front), there is little choice but to pull back and accept defeat for this operation.

A company of Kiwis, a battalion of Indians (and an Indian HQ) are unable to extract themselves.

A new line is formed on a north-south Axis running through Sidi Rezegh and a request is made to the RN to try and suppress the massed artillery that is now free to concentrate on Tobruk once more.

There is so much artillery surrounding Tobruk that Cunningham reverses his decision not to risk his battleships.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/26/2018 3:48:15 AM)

Turn 78
6th September 1941

For Morshead in Tobruk the return of the RN is welcome indeed - 3 Italian units evaporate under the barrage.


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/26/2018 4:01:24 AM)

Turn 78 - Axis Turn
6th September 1941

While Tobruk continues to get the 'treatment' the Italians seek to exploit the withdrawal and seriously maul the Kiwi cavalry.....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/27/2018 3:43:37 AM)

Turn 79
10th September 1941

This is very much a consolidation turn for the CW. Wavell continues the pull back from Tobruk. The last thing he wants to do is throw the 1st South African Division in piecemeal, but the Axis enveloping move in the south is threatening key positions including Bardia.

Wavell's last move therefore, before being replaced, is to order advance elements of the 1st SA at Fort Maddelena and Sidi Omar.

In better news, the Indians in the deep desert have all but cleared out the last of the Oasis battalions, while at Tobruk the RN batter the Italian frontline that threaten the western strong point and evaporate many units - I think as many as five....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/27/2018 3:57:07 AM)

Turn 79 - Axis Turn
10th September 1941

The Axis continue their pounding of Tobruk, although as ever their fire, while painful to be on the receiving end of, is not concentrated. There seems little doubt though that I am going to need to find replacements and reinforcements from somewhere....

The Italian tank forces spent some time mopping up the isolated Kiwi cavalry and destroying the last of the Cameron Highlanders. Elements of the Ariete have moved on Sidi Omar but no attack has yet developed.

The big picture shows significant Axis reinforcement streaming east and the Italian moves toward Sidi Omar and Fort Maddelena:

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/27/2018 9:55:58 AM)

Turn 80
13th September 1941

The forces at Sidi Omar decide to launch defensive strikes against the Ariete. This goes well until a breakdown in communication sees a small group of South Africans attack the tank and anti-tank units directly to the south. The Italians are forced into retreat but the South Africans can't then follow through - leaving them vulnerable to counter-attack.

No attacks are possible against the Oasis battalions as the Indian units are reorganising....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/28/2018 10:28:59 AM)

Turn 80 - Axis Turn
13th September 1941

I am really surprised by the strength of the Axis attack. The South Africans have a bloody introduction to the theatre as can be seen.

Wavell's last decision was not to pull back the 'Crusader' forces any further east but this is pretty serious stuff.....


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/28/2018 10:31:23 AM)

Turn 81
17th September 1941

The new Commander-in-Chief, Middle East is General Auchinleck. He appoints General Alan Cunningham to take charge of the newly created 8th Army.

In this AAR I haven't done a stock take for some time, and with the Axis pressing in on all sides I think that would be a sensible decision.

Tobruk Command

Western Strong Point
Strong Point 2

70th Infantry Division
1st Royal East Kent Bn. - 38/45 Rifle Squads, no anti-tank guns

22nd Guards Brigade
3rd Coldstream Guards Bn. - 35/45 Rifle Squads, no anti-tank guns

XXX Corps
8th Mediterranean Artillery Regt. - no guns
64th Mediterranean Artillery Regt. (1 Batt.) - no guns

1st Polish Brigade
2nd Polish Bn. - 33/36 Rifle Squads, no anti-tank guns
1st Polish Machine-Gun Bn. (1 Cpy.) - Okay on machine guns and mortars but only 4/7 Rifle Squads
1st Polish Anti-Tank Regt. (1 Batt.) - 0 anti-tank guns

Southern Strong Point
Strong Point 4

1st Polish Brigade
1st Polish Bn. - 23/36 Rifle Squads, 1/3 anti-tank gun

22nd Guards Brigade
149th Anti-Tank Regt. - 10/32 anti-tank guns

70th Infantry Division
2nd Scots Guards Bn. - 37/45 Rifle Squads, no anti-tank guns
1st Royals Regt. - 19/35 Rifle Squads

Central Strong Point

1st Polish Brigade HQ
3rd Polish Bn. - 31/36 Rifle Squads, no anti-tank guns
1st Polish Artillery Regt. - 2/16 18-Pounder Guns and 13/16 25-Pounder Guns

9th Australian Division
15th Aus Bn. - 40/45 Rifle Squads

22nd Guards Brigade
1st South Staffordshire Bn. - 38/45 Rifle Squads, no anti-tank guns

XXX Corps
64th Mediterranean Artillery Regt. (1 Batt) - no guns

Tobruk Port

22nd Guards Brigade HQ

Conclusion: What a piggin' mess! The only good news is that there does not appear to be anything withdrawing for a good while. However, that is not the point. With no relief expected anytime soon, those units badly need reinforcing..... but with what?


warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (1/28/2018 11:21:56 AM)

Turn 81
17th September 1941

So after that thoroughly depressing piece of news what else is there available to Auchinleck/Cunningham at this time?

8th Army

8th Army HQ
4th Field Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns
60th Field Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns
27th Mediterranean Art Regt. - 13/24 4.5-inch guns*
68th Mediterranean Art Regt. - 9/24 4.5-inch guns*
57th Heavy AA Regt. - 7/8 3.7-inch AA guns
87th Heavy AA Regt. - 8/8 3.7-inch AA guns
88th Heavy AA Regt. - 7/8 3.7-inch AA guns
94th Heavy AA Regt. - 8/8 3.7-inch AA guns
2nd Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns
14th Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns

These two units were involved in Crusader and have suffered accordingly.

XIII Corps

7th Royal Tank Regiment - 50/50 Matilda II tanks
1st Royal Northumberland Fusilier Machine-Gun Bn. - 60/60 machine guns
1st Free French Marine detachment - 9/9 Rifle Squads
146th Field Art Regt. - 13/24 25-pounder guns
1st Royal Horse Art Regt. - 22/24 25-pounder guns
104th Royal Horse Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns
65th AT Regt. - 13/32 2-pounder AT guns
2nd Heavy AA Regt. - 8/8 3.7-inch AA guns
9th Heavy AA Regt. (1 Batt) - 2/3 3.7-inch AA guns
15th Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns
27th Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns
37th Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns
57th Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns

XXX Corps

XXX Corps HQ*
18th Field Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns
64th Mediterranean Art Regt. (1 Batt) - 6/8 4.5-inch guns
89th Heavy AA Regt. - 8/8 3.7-inch AA guns
74th Heavy AA Regt. - 8/8 3.7-inch AA guns
16th Light AA Regt. - 22/24 2-pounder AA guns
52nd Light AA Regt. - 23/24 2-pounder AA guns

* not including those assets attached to the Tobruk garrison and mentioned above.

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (2/6/2018 6:26:02 AM)

Turn 81
17th September 1941

7th Armoured Division HQ
4th Armoured Brigade HQ
3rd Royal Tank Regiment - 20/20 Crusader I tanks
7th Hussars - 48/50 MkVI tanks, 36/45 M3
2nd RTR - 22/50 A-13 Cruiser tanks, 36/45 M3

7th Armoured Brigade HQ
1st RTR - 45/50 A-9 Cruiser tanks
3rd Hussars - 50/50 MkVI tanks, 19/20 Crusader I tanks
8th Hussars - 49/50 A-10 Cruiser tanks, 20/20 Crusader I tanks

7th Armoured Support Group HQ
1st KRRC - 45/45 Rifle Squads
2nd Rifle Brigade - 43/45
3rd RHA AT Regt. - 5/32 2-pounder AT gun
4th RHA Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder gun, 6/12 18-pounder gun
11th Hussars - Almost full complement of scout cars.

2nd Armoured Division - No HQ
3rd Armoured Brigade - No HQ
5th Royal Tank Regiment - 39/50 A-13 Cruiser tanks, 15/15 Crusader I tanks, 29/35 Crusader II tanks
6th Royal Tank Regiment - 49/50 Mk-VI Light tank, 36/45 M3 Stuarts

2nd Support Group HQ
1st Tower Hamlets Rifles Bn. - 37/40 Rifle Squads
1st Rangers Bn. - 40/40 Rifle Squads
Kings Dragoon Guards Regt. - 24/25 Rifle squads and a full complement of scout cars and carriers
2nd Royal Horse Artillery Regt. - 23/24 25-pounder guns
102nd Anti-tank Regt. (2 Batts.) - 5/15 2-pounder AT guns

2nd New Zealand Division HQ
4th New Zealand Brigade HQ
18th New Zealand Bn - 38/40 Rifle Squads
19th New Zealand Bn - 39/40
20th New Zealand Bn - 40/40

5th New Zealand Brigade HQ
21st New Zealand Bn - 40/40
22nd New Zealand Bn - 39/40
23rd New Zealand Bn - 40/40
28th Maori Bn - 47/50

6th New Zealand Brigade HQ
24th New Zealand Bn (2 companys) - 25/27
25th New Zealand Bn - 40/40
26th New Zealand Bn - 39/40
27th New Zealand Machine Gun Bn - 60/60 machine-guns

7th New Zealand Anti-Tank Regt. - 3/32 2-pounder AT guns
4th New Zealand Field Art Regt. - 12/24 3.7-inch guns
5th New Zealand Field Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns
6th New Zealand Field Art Regt. - 16/24 25-pounder guns
14th New Zealand Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns

22nd Guards Brigade - HQ
3rd Coldstream Guards Bn. - 35/45 Rifle Squads
1st South Staffordshire Bn. - 38/45
149th Anti-Tank Regt. - 10/32 2-pounder guns

1st South African Division HQ
1st South African Brigade HQ
RINC Bn. - 40/45 Rifle Squads
1st Transvaal - 44/45
DEO Rifles Bn. - 42/45

2nd South African Brigade HQ
Natal Mtd Rifles Bn. - 40/45
Capetown Holdrs Bn. - 39/45
2nd Field Force Bn. - 38/45

5th South African Brigade HQ
South African Irish Bn. 39/45
2nd Botha Bn. - 37/45
3rd Transvaal - 39/45

Divisional Assets
Pres Steyn Machine-Gun Bn. - 55/56 machine-guns
4th SA Armoured Car Bn. - A full complement of scout cars
1st SA Anti-Tank Regt. - 18/32 2-pounder AT guns
1st SA Light AA Regt. - 20/24 2-pounder AA guns

70th Infantry Division - No HQ
1st Royals Bn. - 19/35 Rifle Squads, a full complement of scout cars
2nd Scots Guards Bn. - 37/45 Rifle Squads
1st Royal West Kent Bn. - 38/45
11th Czech Bn. - 36/36 Rifle Squads
13th Light AA Regt. - 24/24 2-pounder AA guns

22nd Armoured Brigade
Not activated yet

2nd South African Division HQ
3rd South African Brigade HQ
1st Imp Lt Horse Bn. - 44/45 Rifle Squads
1st Royal Durban Lt Inf Bn. - 43/45
1st Rand Lt Inf Bn. - 40/45

4th South African Brigade HQ
Umvotl Mtd Bn. - 41/45
2nd Royal Durban Lt Inf Bn. - 36/45
Kaffrarian Bn. - 41/45

6th South African Brigade HQ
2nd Transvaal Bn. - 38/45
1st SA Police Bn. - 40/45
2nd SA Police Bn. - 32/45

Divisional Assets
6th SA Armoured Car Bn. - a full complement of scout cars
7th SA Recon Bn. - a full complement of scout cars
1st SA Field Art Regt. - 17/24 25-pounder guns
2nd SA Field Art Regt. - 20/24 25-pounder guns
5th SA Field Art Regt. - 16/24 4.5-inch Howitzers
2nd SA Lt AA Regt. - 21/24 2-pounder AA guns
2nd SA AT Regt. - 11/32 2-pounder AT guns
Middellandsco MG Bn. - 47/56 machine-guns

3rd Indian Motor Brigade HQ
2nd Royal Lancers Bn. - 40/40 Rifle Squads
11th PAVO Cav Regt. - 40/40
18th KEO Cav Regt. - 40/40

5th Indian Division - No HQ
29th Indian Brigade
1st Worcestershire Bn. - 45/45 Rifle Squads
1st Royal Fusiliers Bn. - 45/45
3/2nd Punjab Bn. - 45/45

144th Field Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns

4th Indian Division HQ
7th Indian Brigade HQ
1st Royal Sussex Bn. - 45/45 Rifle Squads
4th/11th Sikhs Bn. - 44/45

11th Indian Brigade - No HQ
1/6th Rajputana Rifles Bn. - 45/45
2/5th Mahratta Lt Inf Bn. - 45/45
2nd Camerons Bn.(1 cpy) - 15/15

1st Field Art Regt. - 24/24 25-pounder guns
25th Field Art Regt. - 17/24 3.7-inch guns
31st Field Art Regt. - 16/24 18-pounder guns

cgoddard -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (2/22/2018 5:38:48 PM)

Keep Buggering On!

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (2/23/2018 6:09:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: cgoddard

Keep Buggering On!


I intend to cgoddard. There are a few reasons this has not progressed much recently, a) I have human opponents and so I decided it was fairer to keep the computer waiting rather than my human enemies! b) I wasn't sure if it was fair to run with this ahead of my game with devoncop as I might be getting an unfair advantage (the counter to that of course is that I could at least be confident about withdrawal timetables), c) having played the game more and having gained some experience, it might be more worthwhile to continue this AAR with more highlight to fellow newbies about the combat mechanics.

But yes, I will keep buggering on! and will see this to the end - hopefully in Tripoli and not Cairo [;)]

JTFox001 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (7/11/2019 3:19:42 PM)

I know it's an old AAR but it is recommended reading and after reading 27 pages I need to know.

Did Tobruk fall or do I have to read the play vs player version?

I did enjoy the read and learnt a lot.

Cheers JTF.

superhans -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (7/19/2019 3:10:04 PM)

Hi Warspite,
Nearly 2 years on im guessing you're about half way through this campaign now lol. I am currently in your position all those battles ago. How is going so far?

warspite1 -> RE: Campaign For North Africa 40D-43 (8/14/2019 2:35:45 AM)

Hi guys - just seen these posts.

The intention was very much to finish off this AAR but, having broken off the game in order to take up the challenge of a human opponent (see link below), I just didn't have the motivation to play the AI anymore once that game had finished. I think what I learned playing a human opponent meant that the AI was no longer going to be a challenge (though of course I might have been wrong on that). With the help from peeps on the forum it certainly allowed me to get into the game and I am glad this was helpful to some others.

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