RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (Full Version)

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larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/22/2017 2:16:40 PM)

One of my longer-ranged arty units ( RR arty ) had such a big range arc that he covered a lot of enemy positions and
supported a lot of attacks and has exhausted it's supply. It needs to rest now to gather some supply and refit.
And get a shipment of ammo from Corps. supply and get ready for next turn. Although, it's so low on supply I doubt
it's going to be ready next turn. Supply levels climb slowly.

TPOO -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/22/2017 2:38:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: marion61

I'm not sure if the scenario designer had a special reason for creating most of those soviet units with the "unit size" as squads or not. Even some of the motorized and tank divisions have the "unit size" set to squads, but they are divisions, I checked their TOE's. The majority of those border units are battalion size or regiments, which uses the symbol "II", or "III" on the icons, but that soviet tank division shows it's a squad on it's icon also, and should be an "XX". Maybe an over-sight? It doesn't deter from the game play, but it's just strange to see squad symbols over a divisional sized unit or a battalion.

It was intentional. Elmer for some reason wants to divide the tank divisions into smaller units making them extremely weak and could be routed by a lesser unit. These units do not reconstruct and will eventually be destroyed within the first 20 turns of the game. It does not affect game play in anyway.

larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/22/2017 3:10:02 PM)

I've been getting an enormous number of RBC's lately. The entire Soviet front is being pushed backward. It might even
collapse soon.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/22/2017 3:28:22 PM)

I've been moving units and the Soviet front lines appear to be fracturing because lots of holes are starting to begin
to start showing. The front lines are crumbling.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 2:36:26 AM)

This is the west end of the Marshes and the fighting is still going on. Many battles, mostly RBC's and a few stubborn
ones. The Soviet units are weak and low on supply, few of them stand and fight. It's a harsh unforgiving environment.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 3:39:14 AM)

Here's a shot of down south where I made a tiny hole and started moving people through it and now it's a full-fledged
breech of the Soviet lines. I'm getting into his backfield and the next consequtive front line complex.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 4:15:50 AM)

And where there used to be a giant V of Soviet front lines previously, not much trace of it exists still. The Soviets
have crumbled before the Axis forces and now Germans are rushing in from all angles and taking over the territory and
isolating and destroying the enemy. It's a blood bath.

EDIT: Which reminds me. I've been working on this for a couple of days now and I'm still on Turn 1 round 2. This is
a huge scenario. Karri and I were playing FITE once upon a time and Karri said that he watched the playback
( back when it had an event counter ) and there were something like 11K+ events in turn one. I believe him.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 4:35:20 AM)

Okie dokie, I've moved everybody, now to review the battles to find and adjust the outlayers. I open the Planned Battles
and sure enough near the bottom I find an outlayer. I've got to investigate that bad boy to see if there's isn't some
way to adjust it, if not to postpone it.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 4:42:01 AM)

And so I click on the 82,179 button and I get the combat planner for that battle and I see that I'm attacking with my
engineers and I don't like to do that because the engineers are sort of precious. So I'm going to stop that but then
the two remaining attackers are doing a flank attack on the unit and both are needed for that attack so the solution
for this problem is to postpone the attack for a round or two. I'm still planning on doing the attack, just later in
the turn so I don't burn any rounds unnecessarily.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 4:55:26 AM)

Here's the post-battles dialog and you can see how many airfield attacks there were and how many bridge busting
missions they flew and I actually targeted some Soviet arty for special treatment so there was a good mix of
mission types this round. I've got all the bombers on CS right now but as part of the last thing I do this turn
I want to put a lot of bombers on INT duty.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 5:08:42 AM)

So the next thing I do after the end of the combat phase is to check the aircraft and I found several that needed to be
stood down for some rest. I flew three groups to Berlin to rest. The hangers there are filling up. Then I started at
the beginning of the OOB to move the units and the first unit was OKH and it's already dug in for this turn and the
next thing to move is the first of the paratroopers. There's five of them and I need to use them to capture bridges and
hold them until they are releaved. I've already picked out their target DZ's ( noted on the map ). Those are some of
the more important bridges right now. I need to stop the Soviet traffic across those bridges for a while. Not long
just long enough.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 5:18:01 AM)

And here's where I landed the paratroopers. One unit evaporated because it landed in a hex where there was an enemy unit
and we didn't know that before hand. We know now.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 5:33:44 AM)

So this is round 4 and I'm aiming for attacks up to and including round 6 so I'll go through all the units moving those
that still have MP's and move them all scedualing those attacks that I deem necessary and the cycle repeats.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 5:45:17 AM)

Here's what's going on in the north right now. There's a lot of pushing and shoving going on and lot of pending attacks.
Now the movement is short and close and the sweeping movements are gone now. We're fighting adjacent battles over the
remnants of the battlefield.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 11:07:49 AM)

Almost everybody in the north has moved already so this is the face of the war in the north now. A lot of the Soviet
defenders are gone now and the way forward is clear and progress is being made.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 11:21:19 AM)

Here's a look at the south now that I've been moving units. The Soviets are for the most part falling back but every
once in a while you'll find a stubborn one and have to attack it. Other than that the Ais units are moving between
the Soviet units surrounding them isolating them destroying them. It's inspiring.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 11:41:00 AM)

So this is what the front lines look like in round 5. Bulges and probes are starting to form and lots of Soviet units
are missing the rest are mostly further out in a concentric series of front lines, strong points, and roadblocks. It's
busy on the map, almost every unit is moving.

EDIT: You'd think I'd turn off the mini-map when making these screenshots. I'll try to do better.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 12:59:36 PM)

So here's the planned battles that I'm planning on having this time. There's one at the bottom that is longer than the
rest and I'm thinking I need to investigate and see if I can adjust it or postpone it.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 1:09:38 PM)

Over 100 battles already. And a lot of them had 100% for the results. That's when a Soviet unit dies.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 1:18:10 PM)

Here's a bomber that was on a three-dot setting for some reason, I missed it earlier I guess, and it ran through all
the available supply it had and now is low. I'm going to change to a single dot setting and rest this guy because
if I don't next turn he won't be combat ready. He may not be in any case since the supply level is so low.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 1:29:26 PM)

I stopped the Soviet turn and went to the reports tab and asked for the inventory and here's some of the Soviet losses:


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 1:56:44 PM)

Here's early turn two before I have moved very much. It's looking like there's some mop up in order and some racing to
get to the next bridge over the river. This should be cleared up shortly.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 2:07:42 PM)

Here's turn two in the north. All is going according to plan. As if I had a plan.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 10:33:35 PM)

And up in the north the Axis Panzer units are beginning to approach the city of Riga on the bay. Resistance is slight
and it's looking like we can make up some time in the schedule here. The follow on forces are dealing with the remnants
and the recon is out looking for some more targets. Like a hunter - killer team.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 10:51:07 PM)

Last turn Axis recon units started combing the marshes looking for enemy units and partisans because this is a big spot
for partisans. And Soviet units have been known to luck in the marshes. Recon assets are racing up and down the roads
trying to convert them and especially the rails. Things are going according to schedule here.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 10:56:51 PM)

So far the rails are keeping up with the front lines just fine and the supply level is three times what I normally see.
That is very good news. Aggressive players do better with a high supply condition.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/23/2017 11:49:19 PM)

Everybody is rushing toward the middle to trap Soviet units and claim the main road leading east. The paratroopers are
glad to see the approaching columns.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/24/2017 11:44:50 AM)

Compare this image with the one above and you might see the differences because I've been moving units and I got an LOC
connected to the paratroops in the middle. I'm trying to save the rest of them too.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/24/2017 11:58:52 AM)

As sparse as the Soviet units are it's relatively easy to blast a hole in their front lines. Here's an example of the
flood of troops passing through the holes in the lines and getting into the backfield of the enemy.


larryfulkerson -> RE: Workshop for the new guys - Directive 21 (D21) (11/24/2017 1:01:10 PM)

So I finished moving everybody and executed the combat phase and the message was that I had failed a force
proficiency check and the turn was ended. So the Soviets went through their rigamoro and then now it's my
turn again. I'm seeing down south where the Soviets are building a second front line behind their primary
one. I guess maybe Elmer see's the future and is planning ahead. Or that's where their objectives are.


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