paulderynck -> RE: Map Views (11/20/2017 7:49:56 PM)
AFAIK, you cannot. You'll have to reduce the size of the Detailed map. When you resize windows and determine where they best can go for your screen size, you use Screen Layout to save all those window dimensions. Map views may be created on the fly (in addition to those supplied) on a per country basis and may be useful, but on a single small screen, a lot of map view choices can cover too much of the screen and keep popping over it, which can be annoying. Better to create a few highly thought out ones and deletee the rest, when you don't have the real estate. Below is a sample of a screen layout you could create and use, considering the amount of screen you have available. Note the main form is offset to the right so that the temporary pop-ups for selectable air or land units don't interfere with it. Then the Screen Layout and Map View windows have a place to be as well, if kept small. [image]local://upfiles/24497/66711667F47A4B7E992C57C708328337.jpg[/image]