CTD everytime (Full Version)

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ncc1701e -> CTD everytime (11/25/2017 6:21:08 PM)

Time of Fury was so cheap with the sales that I bought it to give it a try.

Alas, it is crashing to desktop everytime I am clicking on an unit in the interface.
Looks like it does not support my screen resolution or Windows 10. I do not know.

I am using the latest 1.06 patch.

Any help still possible?

zakblood -> RE: CTD everytime (11/25/2017 6:26:02 PM)

i don't mind taking a look and seeing if i can sort it for you, with maybe a install and or setup guide, may take a few days etc?

How to get a DirectX Diagnostic file:

1. click on "START"
2. click "run"
3. type in "dxdiag" and click "OK"
4. check through the tabs and perform all tests
5. click "Save all Information..." and save the text file to a location of your choice

We prefer that DxDiag files be posted as message attachments rather than pasted into the body of the post.

once the report has been made, just attach it to your post with first adding the file to a zip, which is then permitted to attach to the forum

only if you wish for one to be done etc

zakblood -> RE: CTD everytime (11/25/2017 6:29:26 PM)

would be something like this one, but more game specific etc


ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/25/2017 6:47:15 PM)

Thank you - the first thing I will do is to reinstall with "Run as admin" option.

ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/25/2017 9:42:51 PM)

All right, this does not change anything. Still the same crash to desktop. I cannot play.

ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/25/2017 9:43:34 PM)

Here is the dxdiag.txt file. Thanks for your help

VPaulus -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 10:49:06 AM)

Where is the game installed? What's the path?

zakblood -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 12:01:14 PM)

here's my windows 10 set up guide done for you


gwgardner -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 2:54:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Alas, it is crashing to desktop everytime I am clicking on an unit in the interface.

I play the game in Windows 10, at either 1680x1050 or 1920x1080, and have played it at other resolutions also.

Please clarify what you mean by 'in the interface.' Do you mean clicking on a unit on the map?

Don't give up, it's THE BEST WW2 operational level game available, in my opinion.

ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 6:07:06 PM)



Where is the game installed? What's the path?

I did install it in D:\JEUX\Slitherine\Time of Fury

ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 6:08:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: gwgardner


ORIGINAL: ncc1701e

Alas, it is crashing to desktop everytime I am clicking on an unit in the interface.

I play the game in Windows 10, at either 1680x1050 or 1920x1080, and have played it at other resolutions also.

Please clarify what you mean by 'in the interface.' Do you mean clicking on a unit on the map?

Don't give up, it's THE BEST WW2 operational level game available, in my opinion.

Yes, this is when I am selecting an unit on the map. I can select a terrain without any unit but not an unit.

ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 6:08:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

here's my windows 10 set up guide done for you


Thanks a lot, I am trying right now [:)]

ncc1701e -> RE: CTD everytime (11/26/2017 7:50:21 PM)

All right zakblood, I can select an unit on the map. I have not done anything new EXCEPT that I kept the default D:\Program Files (x86) directory path for the game installation.
I think this is linked.

Thanks again zakblood [:)]

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