Black tooltip boxes (Full Version)

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Franciscus -> Black tooltip boxes (11/26/2017 10:22:31 AM)


Minor issue, but slightly irritating. Most of the time (but not always) when moving the mouse over a unit, hex or button, the tooltip first appears as a black rectangle, and only a few miliseconds later the text appears. This is inconstant and so quick that I cannot get a screenshot. But is distracting...

Changing tooltip time delays seems to make no difference...

release version and also with beta patch.

Below my dxdiag file


sandman2575 -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 2:13:33 AM)

I'm noticing that Tool Tip Delay setting is not working as well. Whether you set it to default or 100, tooltips disappear after a few seconds. Would really like to have the last on screen longer.

Meyer1 -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 2:26:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: sandman2575

I'm noticing that Tool Tip Delay setting is not working as well. Whether you set it to default or 100, tooltips disappear after a few seconds. Would really like to have the last on screen longer.

I need a complete restart of the game to make the tool tip hide new settings to stick. No restart needed for the tool tip show setting.

Franciscus: there are some cases such as yours and the devs are aware. It was posted many times here.

JPJ -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 2:33:25 AM)

Edit: same answer already posted by Meyer1, writing at the same time. Thanks!


ORIGINAL: sandman2575

I'm noticing that Tool Tip Delay setting is not working as well. Whether you set it to default or 100, tooltips disappear after a few seconds. Would really like to have the last on screen longer.

As for your issue, sandman2575, the Player options have two delay settings for tooltips: Show Delay & Hide Delay. A change in Hide Delay is applied after you restart TOAW. Please try restarting after you change the Hide Delay and see if that works?

Franciscus, your issue with delays may be a different one. I hope another person can help you with that.


Franciscus -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 2:26:30 PM)

Thank you, gents, for your attention.

Rereading what I posted I see that some may have misunderstood my problem...

What I mean by "Changing tooltip time delays seems to make no difference..." is that the black tooltip boxes appear in my game no matter what settings I chose for Tool Tip Show or hide time. Except of course if I set the tooltip to not appear at all (100000msec) [:)]

I think my issue is a graphical glitch.


Franciscus -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 2:49:53 PM)

I have found a way to get a printscreen of my problem, although I managed to recreate it in other way (meaning that I probably have two issues [8D])

I am playing first turn of Klink's 41 tutorial, and I have set up my attack. When I right click anywhere in the map, instead of the normal terrain tooltip, I get a black rectangle like this.


In my PC this is reproductible. My original report was that similar black boxes sometimes appear briefly before a tooltip appears, just hovering the mouse anywhere.

Maybe this (pic above) is a different issue, but the graphical aspect is the same


Splatsch -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 7:54:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Franciscus
Minor issue, but slightly irritating. Most of the time (but not always) when moving the mouse over a unit, hex or button, the tooltip first appears as a black rectangle, and only a few miliseconds later the text appears.

I have the same issue.

I talked about the other same issue that you show in your screenshot here. I can't remember in which thread (I reported several minor graphical glitches in several threads), but I learned that if you want, you can put the tooltip in one corner of the screen : see chapter 19.10 of the manual ("Opart4.ini File"), you can change the toolTipPosition value : for top-left of the screen it's 0. It's less annoying than in center of screen :) Hope this helps a little !

Edit : I found where it was, it was in the thread I linked, several posts later.

Franciscus -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 8:04:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Splatsch


ORIGINAL: Franciscus
Minor issue, but slightly irritating. Most of the time (but not always) when moving the mouse over a unit, hex or button, the tooltip first appears as a black rectangle, and only a few miliseconds later the text appears.

I have the same issue.

I talked about the other same issue that you show in your screenshot here. I can't remember in which thread (I reported several minor graphical glitches in several threads), but I learned that if you want, you can put the tooltip in one corner of the screen : see chapter 19.10 of the manual ("Opart4.ini File"), you can change the toolTipPosition value : for top-left of the screen it's 0. It's less annoying than in center of screen :) Hope this helps a little !

Many thanks Splatsch !

Splatsch -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 8:10:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Franciscus

Many thanks Splatsch !

You're welcome [;)]

Franciscus -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 8:59:23 PM)


I also found out that the issue with the black tooltip box when right clicking (pic above) seems to disappear or at least go almost unnoticed with these settings (in Player Options):

- Tool Tip Show: 1000 msec
- Tool Tip Hide: 3
- Menu Show Delay: 5


Splatsch -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (11/27/2017 10:30:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Franciscus


I also found out that the issue with the black tooltip box when right clicking (pic above) seems to disappear or at least go almost unnoticed with these settings (in Player Options):

- Tool Tip Show: 1000 msec
- Tool Tip Hide: 3
- Menu Show Delay: 5


Hi again [:)]
Ah, not for me unfortunately :/
But thank you very much for the trick :)

Moltke71 -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (12/28/2017 4:06:11 AM)

The solution is to use Classic options.

Franciscus -> RE: Black tooltip boxes (12/28/2017 6:11:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moltke71

The solution is to use Classic options.

Yes...but that in practice disables the tooltips...

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