Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (Full Version)

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Oberst_Klink -> Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 2:19:06 PM)

Welcome to Tutorial '43, yet another humble attempt to show you how some of the 'boring' stuff actually can make the difference. It's May 1943 and our assigned area hasn't changed; except that we're now, more or less, responsible for training a German Inf.Div. Training in what you might ask? Well, how to survey the assigned defensive perimeters, how to make use of the terrain and, together with OT and RAD construction units, create basic field fortifications. The division is due to be transferred to the Eastern front's southern sector in about 10 days (I can't tell you more I am afraid). They're supposed to be deployed along the Mius river to establish an effective blocking position against potential Soviet attacks there. The Ersatzheer therefore has assigned the training of the division to us, because the terrain there is similar to our Abschnitt (area).

Klink, Oberst


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 3:04:53 PM)

OK, let's review what the Ersatzheer, as well as some bureaucrats from (O)rganisation (T)odt and the (R)eichs(A)rbeits(D)ienst transferred to our disposal. A Construction Column, a Road Maintenance Column, a Bridgin Construction/Maintenance Column and a Supply Column. We're lucky in a sense, because that simply means we still can give the units of 106th Infantry Division a rest (they've just arrived from extensive training at Grafenwöhr training area in Germany).

I switched the supply filter on, why? Because we have to take the availability and distribution of supplies into account, too. After all... would you work while being on half ration and no fodder/fuel for the horses/machinery? Certainly not!

Survey the terrain and you might have already noticed, that urban areas, forest & hills already got an entrenchment value of 15%. That's quite an advantage for our purpose(s).

Furthermore, it's more or less obvious where we should start our 1st line of defence. We can't fortify or hold a front-line of more than (guideline) 15km with one division. That's about 6 hexes (2.5km ea.). Why not; after all we got 9 Inf.Btl. available, no? Well...we need reserves, don't we? Hence we should consider a frontage of max. 6 hexes... but where and how?

Klink, Oberst


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 3:22:40 PM)

The Oberst is back...


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 3:55:35 PM)

Remember and do never forget! The amount of work (engineering, construction, etc.) that can be done is connected to the time scale! We have 12 hrs turns, not a day, half-week or a week. So, don't expect even a whole Construction Regiment fortifying a hex in half a day!

Klink, Oberst


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 4:14:49 PM)

To answer my Alter Ego's question...

12.4. Fortification (advanced rules)
All Land units may deploy into defensive
positions. The presence of units with an
Engineering Capability increases the chance of
successfully Entrenching or Fortifying. Even if a
unit fails to Entrench or Fortify, it will increase
the local Entrenchment Level, making it easier
for that unit and others to Entrench or Fortify
in the future.

Once created, Field Fortifications
are permanent. As the Entrenchment Level of
a location increases, units in the location will
find it easier to enter Entrenched or Fortified
Deployments. When a location changes hands,
the Entrenchment Level is automatically reduced
by 25%. Once ordered to dig in, units will continue
to dig until their location is Fortified or you give
them other orders.

The current Fortification Level of a hex can
be checked by positioning the mouse cursor over
the location and observing the Fortification Level
reported in the Information Panel. A Fortification
Level of 33% or less will only be reported in the
Information Panel. Once the Fortification Level
exceeds 33% a graphic is shown in the hex to
indicate the presence of significant fortifications.
Once the Fortification Level exceeds 66% the
symbol is slightly thickened.

Fortified Line terrain is a special case. The
Entrenchment Level of a Fortified Line location is
always set to 100% at the start of a Scenario.

Klink, Oberst


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 4:30:11 PM)

Well... it's time we deploy the rest of the division. Transport is limited, but we try our best to get them towards their assigned defensive perimeter(s).

Klink, Oberst


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 5:07:43 PM)

Conclusion and I am aware that 'no action', 'boring logistics', 'fortifications' are a turn off. Alas, at some stage you're going to thank me ;)

Klink, Oberst

P.S. There will be plenty of action in Tutorial '44...


Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 5:17:46 PM)

OK. There're the files. You know the drill how and where to dump them, eh?


Now, feedback for me, as vile, as appreciative, etc. it might be. Spill it out chaps! I am aware it's a boring subject, no action, no gung-ho stuff... but, you might need to remember those 'yawning' slides at some stage... until... it's too late :D

Klink, Oberst

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (11/30/2017 5:23:06 PM)

Sorry about the feckin' typos again, peeps. Just reviewed what I'd posted. But I guess you don't really mind... :o

Klink, Oberst

alpenmonster -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 4:25:42 PM)

..thanks again for your effort and this tutorial...have you planned one with regard to paratroopers and sea landings?

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 4:39:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: alpenmonster

..thanks again for your effort and this tutorial...have you planned one with regard to paratroopers and sea landings?

I could use one of the existing Malta '42 scenarios for some Tutorial Malta '42 AAR... because both actions take place there... As For Tutorial '44... the focus on river crossings with ferries, defending and delaying action against a Soviet Guards Tank Corps...with a lousy infantry division ;)

Klink, Oberst


alpenmonster -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 7:02:00 PM)

...that would be awesome!...

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 7:42:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: alpenmonster

...that would be awesome!...

Alas, Malta-Operation Hercules 1942 would be a tad of an overkill. Alternatively, I can drop a Guard Airborne Bde into the rear of my poor German Inf.Div. LOL

Or, as a last ditch effort, a German FJ Rgt, like von der Heydte in the Ardennes, behind Russian lines...

Klink, Oberst

alpenmonster -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 9:08:02 PM)

...i am fine with that, too...then lets hope for the German FJ Rgt that there is no wind... :-)...not like at operation stösser....

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 9:35:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: alpenmonster

...i am fine with that, too...then lets hope for the German FJ Rgt that there is no wind... :-)...not like at operation stösser....

Aww... another thought and idea... the deployment of 'Kommandounternehmen' aka Special Forces. Which, in turn, reminds me to recommend my matey's (I met him while in the US in person!) Ardennes '44 scenario. Aye, Robert 'Hawkeye' Kunz's masterpiece I hereby recommend!


Klink, Oberst

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 9:36:14 PM)

Guess who the Oberst is :P

Klink, Oberst

alpenmonster -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 9:58:49 PM)

hmm...first one on the left side?..(in the foreground)

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 10:05:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: alpenmonster

hmm...first one on the left side?..(in the foreground)

Aye. Guess it's that special German look LOL

Klink, Oberst

alpenmonster -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/1/2017 10:31:01 PM)

..naah...pure luck...I just guessed...

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/3/2017 1:49:50 PM)

Thoughts and feedback request...

I might have to rush 106.Inf.Div. a tad earlier to the front; not the Mius front but to an obscure town SE of Kiev, named Kanev, along the river Dnieper... Historically, that was the place here the Soviets did their 1st airborne landings... so, what about that? Let the 106th face a Tank Corps as well as Paras in its rear?

Klink, Oberst


alpenmonster -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/3/2017 8:38:46 PM)

...sounds good for me...looking forward...

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (12/18/2017 3:48:18 PM)

Tutorial '41: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4382552
Tutorial '42: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4387818
Tutorial '42 - Editor: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4401098
Tutorial '43: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4390285
Tutorial '43 - Combat: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4394374
Tutorial '44: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4397183

OK peeps, that's the whole Tutorial 'xx series at present. Please do forgive me the countless typos in various 'speech bubbles'; I'll try to go through the whole slides (quite a few!!!) and correct them. The whole project is not finished yet, alas I do require direct feedback, positive or negative. Feel free to post your feedback in threads or PM/Email me. Thanks!

Klink, Oberst (GE)
Klinkovski, Polkovnik (SU)
Klinkoni, Col. (IT)
McKlinkock, Lt.Col. (UK)

cgoddard -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (1/20/2018 9:06:57 PM)

Brilliant thank you

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (1/22/2018 10:02:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: cgoddard

Brilliant thank you

Always encouraging to receive any kind of feedback.

Klink, Oberst

Crossroads -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (1/22/2018 1:01:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Oberst_Klink

Tutorial '41: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4382552
Tutorial '42: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4387818
Tutorial '42 - Editor: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4401098
Tutorial '43: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4390285
Tutorial '43 - Combat: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4394374
Tutorial '44: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4397183

OK peeps, that's the whole Tutorial 'xx series at present. Please do forgive me the countless typos in various 'speech bubbles'; I'll try to go through the whole slides (quite a few!!!) and correct them. The whole project is not finished yet, alas I do require direct feedback, positive or negative. Feel free to post your feedback in threads or PM/Email me. Thanks!

Klink, Oberst (GE)
Klinkovski, Polkovnik (SU)
Klinkoni, Col. (IT)
McKlinkock, Lt.Col. (UK)

Herr Oberst, would be great to have the tutorial set available as a single PDF slideshow. Do you think that'd be possible at some stage?

Oberst_Klink -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (1/22/2018 1:46:02 PM)

I could fiddle'em up and dump them in a .DOC and convert it into .PDF, that shouldn't be an issue, really. After each tutorial I could link/refer to the important sections of the official manual and other related threads here, aye.

Klink, Oberst

Crossroads -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (1/22/2018 4:11:53 PM)

The table of content you put togehter there helps a lot in finding all tutorials, but having a PDF too would be nice for sure. I'm used to having the relevant docs open in my tablet when playing boardgames, would be useful here too [:)]

Silvanski -> RE: Tutorial '43 - How to create field fortifications, set up a defence plan and survey the terrain... (1/22/2018 5:01:23 PM)

Excellent documentation Herr Oberst![&o]

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