Variable Initiative? (Full Version)

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marion61 -> Variable Initiative? (12/20/2017 12:04:29 PM)

I had thought that starting a scenario in hotseat mode turns off the variable initiative. When the game launched and up to beta patch .15, when I started a game in hotseat mode, the variable initiative never came on. To be clear, I would start a game in hotseat mode, then pick the computer player after the scenario started. I don't recall the scenarios that I played before, but since the .22 patch, I've been playing Sicily to Brenner Pass, and D-Day to the Ruhr and I went back and tested it by restarting both games from turn 1, in hotseat mode, then I choose the computer player once in the scenario and the variable initiative comes back on.

I had thought that starting the game in hotseat mode turned that off. So by turning the computer player back on, does that turn the variable initiative back on? If this is the case, can we get a game option to turn that variable on/off (in the two scenarios above, I do dig in and entrench a lot more than I did before, and I understand how variable initiative works, but just asking if there is not a way to turn it off for sure)?

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Variable Initiative? (12/20/2017 1:30:55 PM)

Thanks for typing so much ! It's a known issue:�

marion61 -> RE: Variable Initiative? (12/20/2017 1:42:43 PM)

I read those post earlier, but didn't understand if it was a bug or not. Thanks for clarifying it.

I typed so much because I like to be thorough.[:)]

sPzAbt653 -> RE: Variable Initiative? (12/20/2017 2:20:38 PM)

Thorough is good ! Several of my scenarios I recommend that 'start in Hotseat and then switch' routine. I just don't think that Initiative Switches are realistic, especially when it happens repeatedly every turn. I wish it were somehow an Event instead of automatic. With it currently being broken I'm not interested in playing. Waiting patiently for the fix.

marion61 -> RE: Variable Initiative? (12/20/2017 2:54:34 PM)

I agree, it's unrealistic. You can spend several turns working on a break through, only see it go to pieces when the opposing side gets two moves in a row before you can complete it. It's very frustrating.

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