Oberst_Klink -> RE: REQ: Tactical Scale Cold War (12/30/2017 3:33:38 PM)
ORIGINAL: mccartyg With the new map editing parameters we can make micro games now. I'd like someone to produce a tactical scale NATO-Warpact sandbox with variable forces. Something along the lines of TACOPs style OOB: company formations, 4 airplane flight, 1km at 1 hour turns would be awesome. Perhaps using single solders for infantry and scaling up the vehicles attributes. Cannot alter forces in the scenario editor myself due too using Linux. Smaller is huger. I guess the only problem would be modeling direct fire ranges. Wish more was done for gampelay rather than interface in this release. An hour spent on something that isn't broken or deficient is an hour wasted. Geoff, I wouldn't say it can work as in Command Ops or the JTS, at least not with tanks, AT, guided-AT missiles... but; with the alternative icon option you can at least make sure, that the mortar or artillery components of a unit (see my example in Tutorial '45) can lob some mortar shells against the enemy, as well as trigger counter-battery fire! Klink, Oberst [image]local://upfiles/28259/558157A081E5456EBE521FF21C30F473.jpg[/image]