tarzanofmars -> RE: Need art or textures for your mod? (12/26/2017 7:35:33 PM)
Oooo, Hi, I am working on a massive map of the American West, covering Wyoming, Montana, SD, etc. I am at 120,000 hexes now, it's about 80% complete. This will be for any scenario that is set in this area in the 18th to 19th century. I am making a scenario of the Sioux Wars/ Yellowstone campaign along with it, but I will be releasing the map for anyone to use. I have made a few town and outpost graphics, but what I am struggling with is to make better use of the sand, sand dunes and arid hexes for this area. I have a Teamspeak channel we could use if you wanted to chat. My graphics skills aren't as good as my map making and imagination skills ha. Here are some images of the tweaks I've done and my map. Mostly just edited the hue of the grass and added more shrubs in the arid hexes. Also I've attached images of the terrain I'm trying to capture. It would be really cool if you wanted to be a part of this, if not no worries :) (Each photo can expand) https://imgur.com/a/iLJ8p