Charles Jehlen -> Overlord 44 Scenario (12/29/2017 11:51:57 AM)
Any advice on how to play this James Burns's designed scenario as the Allies? It starts on June 5 AM, but I think that's a misprint. At first I thought it was intentional to allow pre-invasion bombardment and paradrops on June 5, but the queue of reinforcements stacks up in England. The problem is the strength of the coastal artillery. The Allied units are decimated during the run to the beaches. I believe I remember playing this scenario in TOAW III and losing an occasional unit. But I don't recall losing entire stacks before they got to attack the beach defense. This happened numerous times the first five times I played. Letting the computer play as the Allied player gave no clues. The AI sent in the paras in non-historic landing zones and then started moving the fleet units around. Many land units moved to different ports. AI couldn't get the troops ashore either. At first glance, the scenario appears based on Avalon Hill's board game The Longest Day designed by Randy Reed. I played a TLD campaign game once that took over a year to complete. This looks like a substitute, but I've got to get the troops ashore first...