Oberst_Klink -> RE: .eqp file saving nightmare (1/7/2018 2:33:31 PM)
ORIGINAL: tarzanofmars Ah gotcha, glad it wasn't a bug in the editor at least. So how about this, since I'm experimenting with using armor for personnel: In the default database the Mounted Rifle Squad (Late) has 1cm of armor, but not the armored attribute checked, so last night I found that you can set the armor any thickness and as long as you don't check the 'armored' attribute, the game does not overwrite your defensive strength. So now my question is, are these different armor thicknesses being recognized? Are they still coming into play in the battle results? Now, I found this jewel for you to see how Mark Steven simulated the Zulu Wars of 1879... http://www.the-strategist.net/RD/scenarii/the-operational-art-of-war-scenario-828-The-Zulu-War-1879 I think there's a modified .EQP, incl. Henry Repeaters etc. So, have a look at this scenario. Klink, Oberst