RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 12:33:23 PM)

Turn 133
24th December 1941

On the off chance I tried another RBC move..... Lumme!

I suspect I haven't found the main enemy formations but I've stumbled across two regimental HQ - one from the 15th and one from the 21st Panzer Divisions.... No panzer battalions as yet but I have a hunch they are on the main track to the west of the 21st HQ.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 1:08:13 PM)

Turn 133
24th December 1941

I decide to open up the search a little wider, bringing in the 4th Central India Horse Regiment to recce the ground to the south of my poor attack earlier.

The postion post movement pre-Round 5

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 1:34:58 PM)

Turn 133
24th December 1941

Four attacks launched in this sector. Once again I won't describe the bombardments.

A - this was an attack by the Maori and Punjabi infantry that evaporates the 551st Machine Gun Battalion.
B - elements of the 22nd Armoured Brigade and 2nd New Zealand Division combine to evaporate the remaining defenders from the earlier battles.
C - bizarre. An Italian motorcycle company retreat but at large cost to the attacking Kiwi infantry which had artillery support.... er okay....
D - more bad news for the CW. Having retreated the original defenders - which were replaced during the battle - I assumed these would not be dug-in and so make for an easier attack. But one tank battalion hangs on grimly and CW losses are on a par with the Italian - although I've actually achieved some success against the enemy tanks and destroyed 12 of 18 M13/40's.

One other attack took place, south of Sidi Barrani and once again the CW forces receive a bit of a trouncing....

Curiously, not one aircraft has flown this turn......[&:]


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 2:13:29 PM)

Turn 133
24th December 1941

And once again I get a proficiency failure before I have the ability to conduct my last round.

I took a picture before just in case. There were 3 attacks with the motorcycle company being destroyed (sadly my armour didn't move in), the HQ to the east retreated, as did the German HQ to the northwest.

Now I will no doubt see what devoncop has waiting in store....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 4:05:08 PM)

Turn 134 - Axis Turn (in real time)
27th December 1941

I will look at the Axis turn in real time again and comment as things happen.

Units move away - annoyingly without being engaged as they retreated...


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 4:09:24 PM)

Turn 134 - Axis Turn (in real time)
27th December 1941

A lot of units moving away from the front - but not all of them and now the bombardments start...

Firing all along the line - and at the RN (how dare they!).

Units moving back again - up to move 2,178

One thing is for certain, devoncop is not giving up his position around Sidi Barrani.


Okay so that was massively less intense than last time. There were seven barrages, included an attack on the fleet. HMS Arethusa takes a 5% hit but the Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica are hit harder. 27 bombers lost (11 destroyed) - there were no Ju-87's in the attack and my fighters did not take to the skies in support.

The remaining bombardments were not too heavy in the loss department thankfully.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 4:20:14 PM)

Turn 134
27th December 1941

Thank goodness devoncop retreated - the 2nd South African and 1st Armoured Divisions are reorganising.....

The first thing I want to check on though is the aircraft situation. I am intrigued as to why no aircraft flew in defence of the navy and why so few aircraft flew last turn.

A quick check show there are still 34 squadrons on the strength but no less than 9 are reorganising. Mmmmm something doesn't stack up here. I've lost aircraft despite not flying - there must've been some stuff that doesn't show up on any report.

20 squadrons available - but there is not a single one that is at full strength. The Tomahawk, Albacore and Gladiator squadrons have no replacements coming and the squadrons are just winding down to disbanding.

I am really not sure what to do now. I send some patrols out. Given the extent of the withdrawal it could be that the Axis are genuinely in trouble - or it could be a feint.

The enemy have air superiority still too. I think I will try a cautious move toward the north-south track leading to Bir el Qatrani and see what happens....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/4/2018 6:18:57 PM)

Turn 134
27th December 1941

Once again I don't get a full spread of rounds in but there are 33 rounds of bombardment/attacks. Sadly a regiment of Hussars advanced in after combat in the last round and will no doubt be vapourised.

I'm really not sure what is going on in the air. There was apparently no aircraft flying again and yet the caption states there was and the air superiority marker has turned heavily in favour of the Axis....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 4:19:12 PM)

Turn 135 - Axis Turn (in real time again (if my nerves can stand it))
31st December 1941

The first thing I see are units heading west along the coastal path toward Halfaya.

Some units are leaving the frontline too in the southwest corner.

My commando unit is surrounded and about to be gobbled up....

There are then a couple of bombardments and an attack but I can't make out where... ahh its my LRDG unit being attacked - maybe he was bombarded too?

At least three bombardments of my troops I don't know if this is with aircraft but certainly one stack seemed too far away for artillery. More bombardments follow - I hate watching this....

More artillery seems to be heading away and the Axis forces in front of my Kiwis and Indians appear to be moving away I think. These movements are interspersed with more barrages.

The turn ends with two more barrages.

Right lets see what the damage is......

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 4:30:33 PM)

Turn 135 - Axis Turn
31st December 1941

Damn - 14 attacks in total and some pretty big loss numbers too. Big numbers of troops are reorganising. I really hate this stoopid game [:D]

In summary:

1. British infantry southeast of Sidi Barrani take a beating to 4 artillery regiments. 8 rifle squads, 17 machine guns, 6 mortars and 6 trucks bite the dust.
2. British tanks and South African infantry are targeted in the southwest corner, losing 10 rifle squads, 4 machine guns and 13 trucks
3. The LRDG are destroyed but 95 CW fighters and 18 bombers try and assist them. They come up against 207 enemy fighters (58 biplanes and 75 other Italian) and 23 bombers. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess the result - 35 CW aircraft are lost (13 destroyed [8|]) while the Axis lose 21 aircraft (with just 6 destroyed).
4. An Axis force of 20 bombers, escorted by 61 fighters (over half biplanes) sets out to strike at the CW line but 59 fighters intercept and stop the attack. Despite the qualitative superiority the British lose 15 fighters (5 destroyed) while the Axis lose 18 (also 5 destroyed).
5. Same hex as 2. above. Another 15 rifle squads, 5 machine guns, 1 mortar, 3 AA guns, 9 trucks and a tanks are lost.
6. A bombardment is met with some counter-battery fire but its another mess for the CW; 7/23 25-pounders are destroyed, while return fire accounts for 4 large enemy guns.
7. Another air battle. This time the CW air forces don't stop the attack which costs another two precious 25-pounders, as 33 fighters intercept 84 fighters (60 Italian) and 20 bombers. The Axis lose 11 aircraft (4 destroyed) while the CW lose 8 (2 destroyed).
8. A light artillery barrage with minimal losses
9. Same hex as 2 and 5 costs the CW another 2 tanks, and 1 each of AA and AT guns in addition to 3 rifle squads, 5 machine guns, 2 mortars and 5 trucks.
10. Another air strike southeast of Sidi Barrani costs a handful of small arms casualties, but 11 of 18 Hurricanes are lost (1 destroyed) when bounced by 165 Axis fighters (half of these are 109's) which were escorting 21 bombers. For the first time since I don't know when, the CW actually come out better off relatively: 13 Axis aircraft are lost (4 destroyed).
11. A barrage causes more casualties to the South Africans in the southwest - although this time the tanks are missed.
12. Back to east of Sidi Barrani and light losses against the artillery - largely because the guns are mostly destroyed already.
13 + 14. Another 2 tanks and a dozen or so rifle squads are destroyed in the south west sector.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 5:30:21 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

So devoncop is by no means retreating generally - although elements of his forces do appear to have moved west.

I need to work out how much I push matters in the south. There is little to do in the north given the amount of reorganising going on.

I also need to be mindful that within the next 10 turns I lose an awful lot of units [X(] including aircraft, tanks and infantry.....

Speaking of aircraft, what a piggin' mess. I add in the far right, the equivalent no. of squadrons based on actual aircraft....

16 (3 operational) Hurricane sqns - 268/384 aircraft - 35 in reserve - 6 replacements per turn - 11.2 Squadrons
6 (6 operational) Blenheim sqns - 133/144 aircraft - 103 in reserve - 3 replacements per turn - 5.5 Squadrons
3 (0 operational) Tomahawk sqns - 37/72 aircraft - 12 in reserve - 0 replacements per turn - 1.5 Squadrons
1 (0 operational) Albacore sqn - 7/10 aircraft - 0 in reserve - 0 replacements per turn - 0.2 Squadrons
1 (0 operational) Beaufighter sqn - 17/24 aircraft - 22 in reserve - 1 replacement per turn - 0.7 Squadrons 
1 (1 operational) Gladiator sqn - 15/24 aircraft - 0 in reserve - 0 replacement per turn - 0.6 Squadrons 
2 (0 operational) Wellington sqn - 43/48 aircraft - 59 in reserve - 2 replacements per turn - 1.8 Squadrons 
3 (3 operational) Kittyhawk sqn - 65/72 aircraft - 83 in reserve - 4 replacements per turn - 2.7 Squadrons
1 (1 Operational) Boston sqn - 24/24 aircraft - 18 in reserve - 1 replacement per turn - 1 Squadron

So out of a paper strength of 34 squadrons, I actually have 25.3....ouch!

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 6:01:03 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

Nothwithstanding the air situation I decide to probe the Axis defences - initially using 4th Indian Division. I come across well dug-in Italian infantry and anti-tank units (no doubt covered by copious artillery). I expand this probe using the 3rd Motor Brigade and uncover a couple of German motorised infantry battalions + more artillery.

How far do I push this? I don't know the whereabouts of his tanks.....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 8:06:40 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

I decide to try and keep the offensive going.... Round 1 is a series of bombardments.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 9:03:21 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

Well that was the mother of all a wise man once said. Just the 63 Bombardments/Attacks.

I have no intention of going through each of these but will try and get the main points. This is the first of the results


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 9:11:32 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

The second half


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 9:13:20 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

The maps below are as at the end of the turn before the final attacks.

15 + 49 - 1st Army Tank Brigade and a company of South Africans make a weak attack against some Italian infantry. A German panzer battalion intervenes and the battle fizzles out with no loss to the Axis and a couple of tanks for the CW. In the follow-up battle the British bring in more tanks and the Italians are eliminated and the Germans retreat have only 1 tank left.
20 + 34 - This is another largely tank attack that fails with heavy loss including 3 tanks. The enemy are bolstered by enemy reinforcements. A second costly assault sees two Italian units hold their ground despite a general retreat.
24 + 33 - Infantry from the 4th Indian and tanks from 2nd Armoured fail to dislodge the defenders and lose large numbers of infantry, 6 tanks and 2 anti-tank guns. They try again and this time wipe out the remaining enemy but again the attack proves more costly for the attackers.
40 - Yet another failure in terms of losses as a mixed force of British tanks from 7th Armoured an South African infantry assault a mixed enemy force - although at least the enemy retreat this time


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/5/2018 9:15:14 PM)

Turn 135
31st December 1941

I've found at least three panzer battalions.....

21 + 44 - Indian and Kiwi infantry attack Italian infantry and force most to retreat. The CW suffer large losses in the attack
30, 46 + 60 - A hotly contested piece of ground. The first attack by Kiwi infantry is repulsed with heavy loss - and the CW air forces are hit hard losing 12/59 aircraft (6 destroyed) against the German 1/41 (1 destroyed). For the second assault Indian troops join the Kiwis but again are beaten off with heavy loss. Only at the third time of asking - and once again with heavy casualties, do the Germans and Italians give up the ground.
31 + 48 - The 22nd Armouted and 3rd Indian Motor Brigade attacks two German infantry battalions. The 1st Battalion of the 5th Panzer Regiment comes to their aid and no progress is made. A second attempt is made and the Germans lose heavily in tanks - 41 tanks compared to the British 10. But as ever the CW air force take a beating losing 9/32 (4 destroyed) vs 3/19 (1 destroyed).
45 - Infantry from the 4th Indian and British 2nd Armoured tanks fail to dislodge an enemy mixed force. The British lose heavily in the air - 12/55 aircraft (3 destroyed) vs 2/54 (1 destroyed)....
62 - The 4th Indian and 2nd Armoured again combine to force Italian infantry units to retreat with heavy loss - albeit for the loss of 6 tanks
63 - A strong force from 5 divisions - 2 armour and 3 infantry attack an Axis tank and Italian motorised force. The Axis hold but the big problem is in the air where the CW lose 50 aircraft of 147 flown (9 destroyed). The Axis lose 8/133 (5 destroyed)


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/6/2018 9:12:31 AM)

Turn 136 - Axis Turn (in real time)
4th January 1942

Having made a total horlicks of landing in Calabria I really don't want to watch this....

Looks like Italian tanks are moving south to try and envelope the British tanks.

Great! A Blenheim evaporates! What a fab start...

... and a second one evaporates too. Why the hell are they even flying??? They are not on interdiction orders and the Axis haven't attacked yet??? What is going on.

Enemy are moving away from the 4th Indian sector.

Reinforcements heading northeast along the coast road toward Sidi Barrani. Also reinforcements to the southwest corner of my line.

devoncop does the usual and surrounds my infantry company on recce duty to the south of the line.

More units heading to bolster the western front and now the bombardments start - I think it was against my recce company as they've disappeared

Big attack on CL Yeomanry regiment forcing it to retreat

A Blenheim evaporates.

And another one? Seriously? I've just lost 4 squadrons of bombers for absolutely no reason?

Enemy are pulling away from Kiwi sector to - it looks like they are massing in the south

At last - what looks like a German panzer battalion is engaged while trying to withdraw.

Big attack on the RN - HMS Lance sinks, HMS Arethusa sinks

More bombardments but I can't quite make out where - then I see three on my artillery line.

What a total and utter disaster of a turn. I would love if someone can explain why I would have lost Blenheims when the enemy wasn't attacking and they aren't on interdiction orders....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/6/2018 10:59:56 AM)

Turn 136
4th January 1942

After an absolutely appalling couple of turns in terms of losses I need to have a re-think.

Royal Navy

I think its time for what is left of the Royal Navy to beat a retreat. Of the nine ships left:

HMS Euryalus is 40% damaged
HMS Jervis is 4% damaged
HMS Mohawk is 12% damaged

Air Forces

After that last turn the various air forces are screwed. I have no idea how I could have lost four bomber squadrons and that has left a major hole in my defences.

16 (0 operational) Hurricane sqns - 261/384 aircraft - 32 in reserve - 6 replacements per turn 
2 (0 operational) Blenheim sqns - 40/48 aircraft - 103 in reserve - 3 replacements per turn 
3 (0 operational) Tomahawk sqns - 42/72 aircraft - 7 in reserve - 0 replacements per turn 
1 (0 operational) Albacore sqn - 5/10 aircraft - 2 in reserve - 0 replacements per turn 
1 (0 operational) Beaufighter sqn - 18/24 aircraft - 22 in reserve - 1 replacement per turn 
1 (0 operational) Gladiator sqn - 12/24 aircraft - 1 in reserve - 0 replacement per turn 
2 (0 operational) Wellington sqn - 45/48 aircraft - 59 in reserve - 2 replacements per turn 
3 (0 operational) Kittyhawk sqn - 60/72 aircraft - 86 in reserve - 4 replacements per turn
1 (0 Operational) Boston sqn - 21/24 aircraft - 22 in reserve - 1 replacement per turn


With no navy and no air force I have no choice but to cut and run. Once again, the CW suffer from a seeming inability to disengage that rarely afflicts the enemy and I lose two infantry battalions (routed) and numerous infantry units engaged and so are not able to retreat as far as I want. A company of Rajputana Rifles will be gobbled up for that reason. Worst though is I clicked on group move for some units that weren't next to the enemy. As they started moving along a track, they came into contact with an enemy regiment. Of all the units to be routed it was a tank regiment from 1st Armoured [&:] - Tip of the week: Don't o group move unless you have to and don't assume the program will move units so they don't come into contact with the enemy....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/6/2018 5:44:32 PM)

Turn 137 - Axis Turn (in real time)
7th January 1942

The Axis set about surrounding my routed units...

The Axis forces are gathered in strength east of Sofafi

Not sure what happened - I didn't see a battle but two Italian units evaporated.

Weird - now a Savona Division AT unit evaporates. I have no aircraft so I don't know what is causing this.

The Bologna MG Bn. is next to evaporate - and then an Ariete tank unit and three AT battery's....

Lots of Italians moving through the eastern Jebel now - an awful lot of units.

The screen is still showing the Jebel - but now says a Pavia HQ has evaporated - I am totally confused by this.

There is then the best part of 2,000 moves invisible to me, then some aircraft heading toward Halfaya and.... another Italian infantry company evaporates - as does another - and an AT battery, and another - and a tank squadron and an infantry HQ!!!

More reinforcements - lots of reinforcements heading toward Sidi Barrani along the coast road

The Baluch battalion is finished off

Er.. I think that's a German panzer battalion evaporating now

A lot of aircraft coming to the front - turn length is up to 3,134 moves so far.

The surrounded Kiwis are finished off, quickly followed by the British tank regiment and its 40 tanks - the Axis forces then appear to consolidate on the track.

It's now the Indians turn - the Rajputanas retreat toward their surrounded companions.

The Axis forces that took out the British tanks are moving northeast and east - that's bad news...

When the playback ends, there is nothing to say what those evaporating units were all about.... [&:][:(][:-][:@] - I do find this lack of information on certain things very disappointing.

The playback view received - this is a snapshot after move 3,400

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/6/2018 6:07:01 PM)

Turn 137
7th January 1942

I need to be really careful now. It's turn 137 and in 4 turns I am about to lose:

7th Armoured Division
70th Infantry Division
Tank elements of 1st Army Tank Brigade, 2nd Armoured Division, 7th RTR of XIII Corps and artillery elements of 5th Indian Infantry.

4 turns later I lose 2nd New Zealand Division.....


I decide not to move back further at this stage. I have not that far to go before I'm at Mersah Matruh and I would prefer not to lose that until at least May 1942....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/7/2018 5:01:00 PM)

Turn 138 - Axis Turn (in real time)
10th January 1942

Right let's see what devoncop has in store this turn....

Well that's a good start:

Move 1 - Trieste Div, a company of motorised infantry evaporates - no idea where or why...

.. a ton of stuff moving through Sidi Barrani now and a shed load (military term) of artillery units... I should've counted them but I make it about a dozen so far MINIMUM.

Goody - more Ju-87 building up.

Still a lot of reinforcements on the way too as there is still a lot of movement in the eastern Jebel

Most of the units moving through Sidi Barrani seem to be moving south

And that is it. devoncop has not moved up to my units yet, but is no doubt waiting for all those reinforcements.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/7/2018 6:26:29 PM)

Turn 138
10th January 1942

Nothing much to report. My lack of aircraft means that the Germans are able to interdict the hell out of anything that moves - reinforcements along the coast road - but there is nothing I can do about that if I want to try and repair my shattered squadrons for the big one to come....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/7/2018 9:15:24 PM)

Turn 139 - Axis Turn (in real time)
14th January 1942

As before - so much artillery moving along the coast road.

All manner of units, aircraft, Brescia Division, Sabratha Division moving from the eastern Jebel to as far as Sidi. I haven't seen any movement on my southern flank but suspect that is not lack of activity but a lack of intelligence.

Plenty of invisible movement - up to 1,659 moves so far.

Plenty of units moving out of Sidi to the east now - but I can't view any of them once they leave.

Lots of Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica squadrons heading east.

So the same picture as before in terms of what I can see to the west and south of my lines.

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/7/2018 9:23:08 PM)

Turn 139
14th January 1942

Ha ha - my 70th Division are disappearing in two turns - but they've taken the opportunity to reorganise now anyway [8|]

With my best British infantry and armour about to go I really don't understand what I'm supposed to defend with - and that's without mentioning the Kiwis who disappear shortly afterwards. Ho hum.

Again not much to do but sit and wait for the inevitable......

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/8/2018 6:36:45 AM)

Turn 140 - Axis Turn (in real time)
17th January 1942

Strange that I can see Sidi Barrani but nothing south or east of it..... anyway enemy units continue to move south and east of the town.

Again lots of reinforcements moving east around Tobruk and the Jebel.

Having not played the Axis to this point (or beyond the opening moves) I don't know what they suffer in terms of withdrawals etc - but there seems to be a hell of a lot of units heading east - and these can't all be replacement for units lost? Getting incredibly nervous over here [X(]

Although I can't see the enemy they begin the bombardments - don't know if this is long range artillery or aircraft.

And that is it.

A look at the Combat Results show 8 bombardments in all. I will of course dissect the results: the casualties results appear to have been relatively light but too many artillery pieces lost again.

1 - (Zawyet Shammus) A bombardment by 4 artillery corps which costs 5 rifle corps, 3 machine guns, 2 3.7-inch guns, 2 25-pounders, 3 AA guns. Co and 26 trucks. Counter-battery fire accounts for 3 rifle/support squads, 2 machine guns, a 100mm Howitzer, an AA gun and 9 guns.
2 - 3 rifle squads, 1 machine gun, 1 AT gun, 1 25-pounder and 2 trucks bite the dust, but counter-battery fire accounts for 3 rifle squads, 3 machine guns, 1 mortar, a field gun, 1 truck and 2 bombers.
3 - No effect
4 - The loss of 1 rifle squad
5 - More worrying loss this time; 3 rifle/MG squads, 6 machine guns, 8 trucks are joined by 2 25-pounders and 1 60 pounder in the hors de combat dept.
6 - I lose 1 truck but the enemy lose 4 bombers to ground fire (1 destroyed)
7 - Another 6 machine guns, 8 trucks and 1 25-pounder gun for no lose to the enemy.
8 - 2 rifle squads, 2 machine guns, another 2 25-pounders, 10 trucks and a mortar are lost, but at least the enemy lose an AA gun, a field gun, 7 trucks, 6 machine guns, 2 support/engineer squads and 3 rifle squads.


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/8/2018 5:51:50 PM)

Turn 140
17th January 1942

The Germans interdict everything that moves - and don't seem to have suffered any losses doing so.

I withdraw one hex along the western line.....

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/9/2018 6:19:35 PM)

Turn 141 - Axis and Commonwealth Turns
21st January 1942

Only four bombardments but more punishment dished out to the CW artillery. I have no choice but to pull back to try and shorten my frontage; losing three key divisions - in fact the only units - 1st South African aside - that in any way resemble divisions (and that is in the broadest possible sense) just seems impossible to manage. I expect the next few turns to be the beginning of the end for the CW.

In retreating I inevitably lose good quality units - two batteries of the 73rd Anti-Tank Regiment are engaged and will be swallowed up next turn - along with an RAAF base unit....


warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/9/2018 9:01:16 PM)

Turn 142 - Axis Turn (in real time)
24th January 1942

devoncop adopts the same tactic. He moves forward with his Italians, one hex between my front-line and his and no doubt his artillery will now pile forward just behind the front-line.

That's a new one - a panzer battalion on the main road.

I'm now watching artillery unit after artillery unit head for the front. Where do all those regiments come from? This is really going to hurt...

More units in the south now - surrounding my AT batteries and I can see a lot of panzers there too.

Position after first 549 moves

warspite1 -> RE: CFNA 1940-43 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/9/2018 9:13:12 PM)

Turn 142 - Axis Turn (in real time)
24th January 1942

I get a message that an airbase unit is engaged. The camera doesn't pan to that - but I'm guessing that will be a probe of my eastern outposts.

And now with the bombardments....

...turns out it was only one other - although it was pretty devastating in terms of artillery pieces once again.

So the total for that turn was:

Rifle squads - 15 vs 3
Engineer squads - 0 vs 3
Machine guns - 26 vs 6
Anti-Tank guns - 2 vs 1
Field guns - 14 vs 3
Anti aircraft guns - 2 vs 0
Trucks - 84 vs 17

This was the air force unit (devoncop seems to love using these as reconnaissance probes). Given their ineffectiveness as AA platforms I don't blame him....

It is rare that at least one CW formation doesn't go into reorganisation each turn [8|]

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