Helicopter dont move (Full Version)

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Rincovsk -> Helicopter dont move (1/9/2018 3:06:55 PM)


I like to create small scenarios for my own enjoyment. My free time is very sparse, unfortunately. I have noticed that sometimes the enemy helicopters dont move at all during the battle, either attack choppers or the recon ones. For example, the other day I set up a small engagement USA x URSS. I was playing the soviets and have added a Cobra for the americans. Both sides had AAA. The Cobra did not move during the entire course of the battle. Is that intended? Will the AI not move those types of units if the anti-air threats are high? At another small engagement one of the two choppers that I have added to the americans moved the other one dindt...so I am curious...


CapnDarwin -> RE: Helicopter dont move (1/10/2018 2:50:20 PM)

There are a couple of situations where helicopters will hang back. First is detecting radar from a high threat SAM system. NATO helos being more likely to hold than Soviet. The only system I have seen that scares off Hinds is a Rapier system. Another issue can be a lack of draw forward based on low value VPs or a low number of VPs. You can see if things change if you bump up the VP value of rear area VPs or add some neutral VPs closer to the helos to draw them forward to scout the area.

Rincovsk -> RE: Helicopter dont move (1/10/2018 11:45:22 PM)

Hello Capn,

Thank you very much for your reply. Got it, I think my case was low number of VPs. Will try your suggestions.


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