E -> RE: Forgotten Crimes of WWII The OST-Hamster Battalions (1/17/2018 10:29:22 AM)
ORIGINAL: Slapdragon Yes, even more dreaded is the Hamstersturmtroppenfleabagenjaegermeisterfliegershiessen (Does anyone envy German's ability to crunch together 8 words and come up with a new word? I do, must be fun on Saturday nights) of the Luftwaffe. Someone discovered that Hamsters, like Cats, can fall incredible heights without getting hurt, saving money on parachutes. Of course, if you throw them out of a plan at too high and altitude, they explode in the low pressure, so the Hamstershiessen as they were know in short had to be duct tapes (er, in this case hamster taped) to keep that from happening, and they had to hold their paws over their eyes on the way down. Added advantage: after picking the tape off themselves, those rodents were pissed, so look out allied Armies!