Stealth2017 -> SAMs - target ceiling (1/23/2018 9:17:15 PM)
Hi, I would like someone to explain me how the target ceiling is calculated for the SAMs, is it relative to the sea level or the actual elevation where SAM is located. As you can see from this capture:[image][/image] I could not launch the missiles against Chinese EA-03 Soar Dragon UAV flying at 258866m since the target altitude is higher than the weapon's ceiling 25772m= Target ceiling for Patriot 24384m + Elevation 1388m = 25772m. The second scenario - the same assets but the different elevation for SAM,I get the message "The target altitude is higher than the weapon's ceiling 24384m=Elevation is not taken into consideration/calculation, why? This is what confuses me, in one scenario the elevation of SAM is added to the target ceiling and for another it is not a case. Please can someone tell me why? Am I doing something wrong here? Kind regards, [image]local://upfiles/57692/7936992591DD48C0B0ABA7F7430F2EFA.jpg[/image]