mavfin -> RE: CMANO and Harpoon (2/23/2018 4:55:43 AM)
What I remember about the first Harpoon product I had (about 1995-ish?) was that I sent in a bug report, and got a floppy disk in the mail with an updated game engine on it, return address name Don Gilman. But yeah, Command is way past it. Well, it was originally written in the late 80s. That was coming up on 40 years ago now. I would hope there would be some advances! I mean, back then, programming a product like this had a LOT of deciding what you could do, and what you simply didn't have RAM/disk space/CPU for. Not so much a problem now, when Command on my hard drive, with extra images, and the Steam community Scenario pack, runs up between 15-20 GB, and even my old desktop has 16 GB of RAM, and a 6-core 2012-vintage Intel Westmere Xeon. The original computer I ran Harpoon Classic on (and I was way later to the party than Wayne, Gunner, etc) had a 250 MB (not GB) hard drive, and a whole 8 MB of RAM. I had a 32-bit processor at 33 MHz. So, yeah, there's no way the core game could run on a basis to even belong in the same universe with Command. Harpoon was pretty awesome...30 years ago. Oh, and downloading things from the internet was possible, but that was at 28.8K baud, not at the 45 Mbits that I run now on my DSL. So, it's not that Harpoon was's just OLD now. The whole other kerfluffle I won't even mention other than to say that it's just old BS that no one should bother touching. It's like old moldy turds. Do you really want to look or smell any further? They stunk then, and it still does, so just don't bother.