Alfred -> RE: Aircraft Weapon Filters (2/1/2018 5:13:25 PM)
ORIGINAL: scopejockey "The 04 filter alternate to the filter 02 torpedo should be a bomb of 250kg or less." I tried 250lb, 500lb, 250kg, 500kg size bombs (both GP and AP) as filter 4. When set to Use Torpedo the aircraft, no matter type of aircraft, uses both torpedo (filter 2) and bomb (filter 4). I've run my mod to Jan 49 many times. There is no issue with using 800kg or 2000lb bombs. Many of my late war aircraft, of all types, are armed with the heavier bombs. The only problem I've encountered is with filter 2 and 4 (which is a known issue that is on a list of things to fix....see a few posts above). When using the filters I've never had the game use the default alternate device. When doing a Naval Strike, if I have torpedo as filter 2 and no filter 4 it uses the torpedo when "Use Torpedo" is selected. When "Use Bomb" is selected no weapon appears, because filter 4 was not used. If I have torpedo as filter 2 and a bomb for filter 4 it uses the torpedo and bomb when "Use Torpedo" is selected. When "Use Bomb" is selected only the bomb is used. Don't presume that I don't read every post in a thread. Nor should you presume that everyone who posts actually has any idea about what they say. There is no list of bug fixes which anyone is looking into. Too many people around here like to present themselves as having direct contact with the devs. 1. The 800kg issue I referred to comes directly from the man who coded the air algorithms. It is an obvious issue based on your OP. You can prefer to rely on what others, without access to the code, say but I will always accept what the actual coder says instead. 2. The only "bug" involving torpedoes in the alternate loadouts was fixed by the coder back in 2012. It had revolved around shortage of torpedoes. Other modders have got their filters 02 and 04 to work in their mods so the problem lies with you and not with this invented 02 with 04 filter "bug". When you reach the threshold to post screenshots, do so for invariably inexperienced players never provide all the relevant details of what exactly they have done, or not done. 3. As the French say, "quel surprise" that when you order torpedoes be used, they appear on the aircraft. Also how convenient that at no stage you bother to tell us which weapon slots are being used. Both filters and weapon slots need to be used properly, especially when dealing with torpedoes. I see now that it was my mistake in believing that you had understood properly that long thread on the subject, far easier to believe that a bug exists. Try to read what I wrote in both posts accurately and not substitute your own thinking for my words. I did not say 800kg bombs could not exist. What I said was not to make them the alternate for torpedoes, said in the context of you attempting to have them as nP in the loadout; nP of course standing for alternate Port Attack as a standard Port attack is both a different filter and presents differently on screen. Alfred