My Hawk is Blind (Full Version)

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nukkxx5058 -> My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 10:53:40 AM)

Hi, it's CoW - Blue Dawn.
I launched a patrol for my Global Hawk and here's what he "sees". Nearly nothing ...
There's no point send it for a patrol mission. What did I miss ?


nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 10:56:29 AM)

or is it too low yet ?

thewood1 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 11:47:04 AM)

Not sure I understand. What do you expect to see from where it is?

nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 12:03:03 PM)

ELINT device is suppose to have a air+surface range of 500nm. I don't have any air range at all. And my surface range is very limited.

thewood1 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 12:08:26 PM)

Again, what do you expect to see? From the pic you posted, I can't even tell the range.

thewood1 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 12:27:14 PM)

So I just ran Blue Dawn clean and launched the Global Hawk Owl one. It immediately started picking up some radars that we were radiating in NK. So I still not sure of the issue.

nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 12:35:26 PM)

OK in fact my hawk is on its way to its patrol region further in the north. However, as I noticed that the ELINt device has a 500 nm range, I was expecting to be able to detect annemy planes, missile, surface ships, etc with it.
But when I look at the sensor ranges on the map I notice that it has no air search range. Nothing at all when I deactivate surface sensor and keep the air sensor. And my surface range is the one displayed on the picture, which is about 160 nm. So it seems to me that the ELINT is not working. But maybe am I missing something (very probable [:D] )

PS: you can see the scale on the botton right.


nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 12:57:29 PM)

Maybe it's because the ELINT range is not displayed on the map ? In this case, how can I know what was detected by the 3 sensors monted on my Hawk ?

Grazyn -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:00:25 PM)

I tried replicating it, the Global Hawk's ELINT correctly detected radar emissions from some SAMs in NK from around 200-250 nm at max altitude (60k ft). When moved closer, it also tracked them with FLIR and surface radar. It's far from blind...

The ELINT has a max range of 500 nm, but its actual range depends on various factors, like the position of you and the target and the strength of its emission. For example, an air target with a powerful radar like an E-3 sentry will be detected at 400+ nm.

jarraya -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:04:17 PM)

You won't see ELINT in the sensor range circles. Air Sensors refer to active radar only, not passive detection sensors.
I suggest you get your Hawk as high as possible and you will pick up a lot with it.

Grazyn -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:05:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: nukkxx

Maybe it's because the ELINT range is not displayed on the map ? In this case, how can I know what was detected by the 3 sensors monted on my Hawk ?

The log should show that, go to the game folder/logs and search the text file for "global hawk".

thewood1 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:19:48 PM)

Also, the newest version 1.14 shows you what units have detected enemy units. Just click on the enemy unit.

nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:22:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: jarraya

You won't see ELINT in the sensor range circles. Air Sensors refer to active radar only, not passive detection sensors.
I suggest you get your Hawk as high as possible and you will pick up a lot with it.

OK, this explains then. Yes, I orderd 60.000 ft



The log should show that, go to the game folder/logs and search the text file for "global hawk".

OK ! Thanks !

nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:23:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: thewood1

Also, the newest version 1.14 shows you what units have detected enemy units. Just click on the enemy unit.

I noticed I lost my version 1.14 and I'm back at 1.13 !
I think it's because I had to run a files integrity test in Steam and it probably automatically reinstalled 1.13...

nukkxx5058 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:28:48 PM)

But does it mean that this Hawk has zero active air radar capability ??
RQ-4B Global Hawk Blk 30 UAV
1x Global Hawk Sensor Package [ISAR] 100 nm Radar, Surface Search, Medium-Range Late 1980s Technology, Surface Search, Ground Search (Fixed), Ground Search (Mobile), Range Information, Speed Information, Heading Info
1x AN/DAS-3 MTB-S [EO/IR] 30 nm Infrared, Surveillance FLIR Infrared, 3rd Generation Imaging (2000s/2010s, Impr LANTIRN, Litening II/III, ATFLIR) Technology, Surface Search, Ground Search (Fixed), Ground Search (Mobile), Heading Info
1x ASIP 500 nm ELINT Late 2000s Technology, Air Search, Surface Search, Specific Emitter ID

Grazyn -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:33:42 PM)

Yes, it doesn't have an air radar, it's a terrain recon platform

thewood1 -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 1:35:10 PM)

Elint is and ESM are just like radar. Even though it says XXX theoretical range, it will rarely detect anything identifiable at that range. Its dependent on a large number of parameters, including atmospherics, signal strength, etc. One of the biggest ones is how strong the detected radar is.

In my opinion, that is why having the range is useless to the point of not being worth the devs time. Each detectable radar would have a different detection range. And a lot of other factors go into. Maybe, at some point, the devs can figure it out, but a little common sense, an understanding of the game, and some basic knowledge of real world electronic warfare go a long way.

Luckschaden -> RE: My Hawk is Blind (2/8/2018 8:46:23 PM)

From my understanding, radar ranges are never perfect anyway. I.e. an active air radar might find a large cargo plane at its max range in good conditions, but will only spot a stealth bomber that's flying over clouds at a much closer range.

But for anything passive its even more dependent on the target. IIRC, passive sonar doesn't have a range circle either, because it strongly depends on how loud the target is.

What would be cool however, would be if one day there was a tool that allowed the player to see: If radar X was emitting, how close would my passive sensor need to be to it to pick it up.

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