Trouble with Rising Sun Map (Full Version)

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mesquite5 -> Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/11/2018 7:15:12 PM)

I am having a problem with Rising Sun. I'm running version 2.02. East Front and West Front seem to work fine, but Rising Sun has
the problem where the map is not visible. It is just a black screen. It does work in the editor. I've attached my dxdiag.text file in case you want it.
I had this problem earlier with all three games, but did a reinstall and thought it was fixed until I tried Risisng Sun. I've since reinstalled once more, then applied updates 2.0 and then 2.02.
Still get the black screen for Rising Sun. the tool bars top and botton are there and you can see the strategic map, just no main map.

mimarsp -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/11/2018 10:09:06 PM)

I had VERY similar issue in July 2017. I refer you to 2 threads I used at that time for a resolution. You may refer to them in the JTCS Support forum titled "RS GRAPHIC ERROR",with mimarsp as the thread starter. One has 4 the other 19 hits.
My PC is running with an NVIDEA GX-960. I DISABLED THE FANCY NVIDEA GRAPHIC VIDEO CARD(DRIVER), AND USED ONLY THE DEFAULT, CHINTZY BUILT IN DELL VIDEO CARD(DRIVER). The game played fine, but needed to re-enable the Nvidia to use the PC nominally.

Following, is the method I initially used to get RS to work. Since some newer NVIDIA updates I no longer need said proceedure. Game works fine, and having a BLAST(don't mind the pun).

Having spent over 35 hours in the past 10 days trying to get JTCS to work...visits to Martix forums and helpdesk. Uploading files there. Taking all sorts of advise from friends and professionals. Uninstalling and reinstalling JTCS,deleting and restoring numerous files. And finally uninstalling and rolling back the NVIDEA drivers. WHAT HAVE I ACCOMPLISHED to restore the functionality of my FAVORITE PC GAME Rising SUN?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! The roll back to drivers that worked in Feb. 2017 DO NOT WORK NOW????? I have NO IDEA why not. Nor why only RS is a problem.

BUT.... I find that IF I DISABLE THE NVIDEA DRIVER, and use the built-in MSFT windows graphic display, then an OLD game such as JTCS RS WORKS, as do EF,WF,WW1Mod.

So now I will Update my NVIDEA drivers. Then I'll uninstall the new JTCS folder. Replace it with my old copy of JTCS folder, with ALL the saves, replays etc. for future and continued glories. And remember to use the Device Manager as needed.

I post this for others who may find this helpful. Hopefully as helpful as the Matrix helpdesk, who have been about as helpful as the Windows 10 Compatability Troubleshooter.

Good luck, hope this helps!

mesquite5 -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/12/2018 12:09:15 AM)

Thanks, I thought of that, only this is a desktop, so the only video card I have is the fancy Nvidia 1080 in it, so that is not an option for me.

mimarsp -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/12/2018 1:43:27 AM)

MY PC IS A DESKTOP, An Alienware Alpha R-2, running Windows 10 Home. I didn't realize that there was anything BUT the Nvidia card. But while uninstalling Nvidia drivers to "roll back" to one in which RS and ONLY RS did once again work...
I stumbled across a DEFAULT internal Dell/A-ware GPU. When thru "Devices", I found I could DISABLE the NVIDEA DRIVER I tried it, and found the DEFAULT driver displayed the game AOK. So for awhile, in order to play RS (EF&WF didn't need this
work around), I would thru DEVICES, DISABLE the Nvidia driver, start RS and it displayed just fine. When concluding session, I'd go back to DEVICES, re-enable the Nvidia driver and all was OK with any other PC functions.
A few months later, I suppose thru a newer Nvidia update,( or something else I don't know) the game now runs just fine, without having to disable anything. I don't know what was wrong, but I do know that this worked for me.
My problem was limited only to RS and not WF or EF. Go figure. It baffled the Matrix staff. They commented mine was 'the Mother of All Kluges'.
IF you dare. snoop to see if your hardware has an internal GPU. If so, try the disable NVIDEA trick. Please respond to me and any others who may notice this quirk.

mesquite5 -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/12/2018 7:08:34 PM)

Well, that certainly sounds like my problem. I'll give it a shot tonight and see if it works. Thanks

mesquite5 -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/13/2018 3:01:09 AM)

Ok well I tried it and yes it does work! Disabled my Nvidia GTX 1080, with more than a little trepidation, and it worked. Thanks for the workaround!

mimarsp -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/13/2018 5:51:09 PM)

Great, and now you can disable/re-enable the Nvidia Driver as necessary and without trepidation. As I mentioned above, at some point RS now plays without this work around, I honestly don't know how OR why.
I'll also say my install of JTCS was from original DISKS, not a download. The updates to v.2.02 was from Matrix download.


Crossroads -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (2/14/2018 7:49:38 AM)

Glad to hear you got it working with your NVidia card. We had a similar issue with CS Middle East at that forum, and the fix was the same. From now on, we are naming the game exes with longer names, so what was Middle East game exe previously. me.exe, is meengine.exe as of Middle East 2.0.

So, going forward, everyone should be good at least.

M4RT14L -> RE: Trouble with Rising Sun Map (3/21/2018 6:41:35 AM)

Hi all, I have also had this problem and I have managed to solve it in the following way,

I have downloaded the nvidia manager app and with nvidiaProfileInspector I've seen that confused drivers of a game called "Raven Squad" with the exe of Rising Sun (rs.exe), I have simply deleted that driver profile and it has worked perfectly again. This has also happened with "Campaign Series Middle East" and a profile called CAXA 2008, was fixed in the same manner.


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