Hubert Cater -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/16/2018 1:24:42 PM)
Hi ikrananka2, Just to clarify, and as Bill described in section 7.29.4, land units without an HQ would have a readiness calculation of the following: Readiness = ((Unit Strength / 2 + Unit Morale / 10) / 2) * 10 Those with an HQ would have the following: Readiness = (((Unit Strength + HQ Rating) / 2 + Unit Morale / 10 + HQ Experience) / 2) * 10 Having a stronger HQ does not factor into the above formulas, however, HQ strength does factor into the distribution supply of an HQ, so having a full strength HQ attached to your units will still provide the most support in the end.