HQ Combat Bonus (Full Version)

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ikrananka -> HQ Combat Bonus (2/12/2018 6:11:03 PM)

The manual states that there is a combat bonus applied to units that are attached to an HQ. However, I can't see anywhere that describes the magnitude of that bonus and how it is applied (e.g. morale bonus, readiness bonus?). Can anyone enlighten me?


sPzAbt653 -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/13/2018 3:10:49 AM)

I don't know the specific technical effect, but I notice it in the Readiness value. For example, a unit will gain maybe 20 points of readiness if it is attached to a HQ, which is nice.

KorutZelva -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/13/2018 11:10:09 AM)

There's also some damage mitigation effect that scales with HQ exp. Half a point by pips or some such.

ikrananka -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/13/2018 5:47:43 PM)

Thanks guys - really useful info. I really wish the manual was more explicit about these things.

BillRunacre -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/15/2018 2:27:11 PM)


Section 7.29.4 Unit Readiness and its effect on Combat shows the formulas relating to HQ bonuses in the Manual.

Essentially, higher rated HQs at full strength provide the most bonuses, so they are best used to support units fighting in the most important areas.


ikrananka -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/15/2018 9:45:04 PM)

Bill, the formula for the calculation of the an attached unit's readiness doesn't include the strength of an HQ. The readiness bonus can be distilled down to:

Readiness Bonus = (HQ Rating x 2.5) + (HQ Experience x 5)

Also, the text describing the Morale Bonus due to an attached HQ only states that this is due to an HQs Experience. No mention of an influence of HQ Strength. So, where does HQ strength come into these bonuses?

Is there a formula for the Morale Bonus that you can share?

Hubert Cater -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/16/2018 1:24:42 PM)

Hi ikrananka2,

Just to clarify, and as Bill described in section 7.29.4, land units without an HQ would have a readiness calculation of the following:

Readiness = ((Unit Strength / 2 + Unit Morale / 10) / 2) * 10

Those with an HQ would have the following:

Readiness = (((Unit Strength + HQ Rating) / 2 + Unit Morale / 10 + HQ Experience) / 2) * 10

Having a stronger HQ does not factor into the above formulas, however, HQ strength does factor into the distribution supply of an HQ, so having a full strength HQ attached to your units will still provide the most support in the end.

Taxman66 -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/16/2018 1:38:12 PM)

Hubert, those formula you gave are identical. [:'(]

From the manual units with HQ support:
Readiness = (((Unit Strength + HQ Rating)/2 + Unit Morale/10 + HQ Experience)/2) * 10

Additionally in the same section it states that the HQ Rating itself is modified by the strength of the HQ. Given the quote (see below) I would bet it is
HQ Rating = HQ Rating x HQ Strength/10. So a 7 Rating HQ at strength 8 is providing a HQ Rating of 5.6, while at full strength provides a 7.

7.29.4 (top of pg 87)
The Importance of HQs
The HQ Rating itself is proportionate to the HQ’s
strength, so an HQ at half strength only provides
half its potential benefit to the units under its
Because this has such an important impact on
readiness for land and air units, purchasing the
more expensive but highest rated HQs is highly
recommended, providing you have the funds
available to do so.
Also, an HQ’s experience from combat leadership
is passed down to all units under its command as a
combat morale bonus.

Hubert Cater -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/16/2018 2:13:30 PM)

Hi Taxman66,

Thanks and I've corrected my post above. Regarding the HQ rating being proportionate to the HQ strength let me confer with Bill on that as I don't see it in the game formulas and the formulas as posted above are the ones in the code so those are at least correct for now.


Taxman66 -> RE: HQ Combat Bonus (2/16/2018 3:26:23 PM)

Well even if it isn't, a weaker HQ provides less supply which affects morale which in turn affects the formula too.

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