mickxe5 -> RE: Close Combat February Update (2/16/2018 9:57:21 PM)
Thanks Steve. Of course one question leads to another... Is the length of those gray movement arrows just a matter of perspective (closest being bigger/longer) or do they represent different movement types (arrowhead=sneak; short=move; long=move fast)? Or does the tip of the arrow indicate destination, replacing the old color-coded move dots? Wondering how those move arrows are going to work with waypoints. The off-screen enemy icons explain why the Teams monitor is indented from the map edge. Assume those icons will rotate around the screen edge as the view field rotates, jogging around the minimap and Soldier monitor as they go. Will interacting with those icons indicate which of your units do have LOS to them? Also, curious why the third off-screen enemy unit, in the same general direction as the two shown, doesnt have a screen edge icon? Will soldier outlines be color-coded to show suppression, morale, ammo status etc.? If so, will there be hot keys for those statuses rather than having to go into game options? Looking at the fire line cursor over the Soldier monitor (Watkins is beserk!), will we be able to select a soldier in the Soldier monitor and get something like the yellow CC selection square on him? Or will left clicking within that monitor still click thru to the map? Are those rooster tails of dust behind the 2 panzers or engine exhaust? The upper one is bigger and whiter. Is he moving faster than the lower one? Those broken, bailed-out M10 crews look like theyve taken cover rather than continuing to rout off the map. Will bailed crews be useful at all in combat? Will bailed crews eventually get 'leg' icons with a NATO armor type rather than vehicle silhouettes? Will enemy infantry get tagged with unit specific icons (MG, AT, CMD etc) or just a generic infantry icon? Or generic until observed at close range or they reveal their function (eg. by firing a pzschreck or flamethrower). Likewise, will a spotted but unidentified enemy vehicle just get a generic vehicle icon until better identified?In any event, players are going to want more game immersion with an option to toggle off unit icons. Im hoping for an extreme fog of war setting, both for realism and play balance, where I dont know things like which VLs belong to who (or nobody yet), or whether enemy infantry is ambushing within a bldg because their casualties cry out when I fire at it, or the location of unseen enemy units because their casualties appear even when outside of my LOS. I like the timestamps on the combat mssgs. Interested to see how the expanded toolbar looks and works.