MP coop vs AI (Full Version)

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mickxe5 -> MP coop vs AI (2/23/2018 10:03:24 AM)

Will the players have separate, full battle groups or will they share a BG?

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: MP coop vs AI (2/23/2018 11:10:01 AM)

Good question. I asked it sometime ago but it was not answered because the multiplayer was not clear. However, reading the game description, I believe how one player will play with Allied and other with Germans. there will not be cooperative this time.

mickxe5 -> RE: MP coop vs AI (2/23/2018 1:29:14 PM)

In the Features section at the bottom of the TBF product page it lists "Multiplayer allows for Co-Op play vs. the AI".

I would guess that 2 coop players would share a BG with a simple division of responsibility where one player commands the main force while the other controls support units. Otherwise the scenario editor would need the capacity to specify units for 3 BGs.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: MP coop vs AI (2/23/2018 2:23:30 PM)

Oh yes, I did not see it.......well, if they say it, we will be able to play cooperative mode. However, I would like the old option from each player with one faction.

Hexagon -> RE: MP coop vs AI (2/25/2018 10:30:47 AM)

I remember read something about italians in game BUT you cant control them... maybe we are going to have in game 2 diferent nation troops in SAME side playing together??? something like in "Last Stand Arhem" when you can mix 2 battlegroups in same position and you can complete battle force with units from both???

But in battle they are divided in 2 parts and you need 2 human players, one controlling germans other controlling italians... same if we have in allied side british or a 2nd american force in the mission.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: MP coop vs AI (2/25/2018 3:44:52 PM)

Steve told some time ago how we would see Italians and British forces. If I do not remember badly, they were not units which you can control. I can imagine at comparation with other games how a AI controls them and perhaps sometimes are your enemies and others your friends.

Benedict151 -> RE: MP coop vs AI (2/28/2018 1:39:04 PM)

Hello Guys

We are hoping to include Co Op in The Bloody First

Players will share the standard sized force - 2 players won't double the number of units on the map

Ben Wilkins

Llyranor -> RE: MP coop vs AI (3/1/2018 3:03:51 AM)

Thank you for implementing coop. It is my most wanted feature for the series. Will we be able to play through the campaign together, or only individual scenarios?

Benedict151 -> RE: MP coop vs AI (3/1/2018 1:00:18 PM)

At this point individual scenarios

The campaign is a fun idea ... maybe something for follow up

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: MP coop vs AI (3/1/2018 3:52:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Benedict151

At this point individual scenarios

The campaign is a fun idea ... maybe something for follow up

I have a special request, can you publish a image from the map editor with a map loaded? just it.

Benedict151 -> RE: MP coop vs AI (3/2/2018 1:33:04 PM)

Hello Nomada_Firefox

I'm sorry to disappoint but at this point the answer is no. Currently the editor is only a developer tool and requires a major functionality pass and presentation 'face lift' to make it 'player friendly'.

We'll be looking at during the run to Beta but I don't expect it to be ready until partway throufh the beta test period

Ben Wilkins

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: MP coop vs AI (3/2/2018 2:13:59 PM)

No problem. It was just the thing which I have more curiosity.

Destraex -> RE: MP coop vs AI (5/13/2018 1:08:21 AM)

coop is a feature that would differentiate this game from combat mission and the older close combat games enough for me to buy it.
It's what I have been lobbying for over at combat mission (battlefront) for years. Coop scenarios vs the AI or other players would open your
player base up to include those playing steel division, company of heroes and men of war 2 assault squad as well as staying hard core enough
to attract the combat mission, close combat and kharkov and graviteam tactics players.

Here are the three things that would make me buy the game:

1) 4 Player multiplayer including 2 player vs AI
2) A new 3D engine
3) A theatre other than normandy

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: MP coop vs AI (5/13/2018 4:26:28 PM)

I see you buying the game.;)

GrdAdmiral -> RE: MP coop vs AI (5/16/2018 11:33:58 AM)

I’m extremely interested in co-op play, but would really like to be able to play the campaign co-op instead of just scenerios. That wouldmake the game more interesting. Scenerios are fun, but doesn’t hold the same attraction as a cco-op campaign.

Destraex -> RE: MP coop vs AI (5/17/2018 3:07:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nomada_Firefox

I see you buying the game.;)

You got me. But those things would make me much more excited!

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