Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (Full Version)

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Auchinleck -> Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 3:31:46 AM)

Not impressed with the preview. Other than an attempt at 3D graphics, this looks like a combination of the Theater of War series and Battle Academy. With both of those games looking superior to this.

rico21 -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 3:45:47 AM)

Someone who judges a job completed is a smart person, someone who judges an unfinished job, a genius

Auchinleck -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 4:27:07 AM)

You mean it's not going to look anything like the newly released screenshots, rico? Why do you 'think' those were posted?

rico21 -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 4:43:24 AM)

These are screenshots made at low resolution, probably by a probationer, who misserve the game.
I am sure that with better resolution, the result is better.
Moreover, this thread is bashing on a new game, I asked for its transfer to the general discussion forum.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 7:51:15 AM)

The first a troll saying stupid things, second somebody giving bad excuses.........the images were taken the best that it could be and for most of us, they look very good. In fact the 90% from all the old Close Combat players, we are waiting just a game with the same gameplay, less errors than the games made in the old engine and a better AI. We can imagine how it has a good AI because if it has a cooperative multiplayer where two human players can play against a AI faction, it is because the AI can give a good challenge.

Your words Auchinleck are like a troll because there are many people which they like Battle Academy and Theater of War.

rico21, nice try but say how these screenshots were made at low resolution is.............very funny......[:-] a bad apology.

Next, between the 90% from the old Close Combat players, there are many people which they enjoy to create their own mods and share them with the public, this people are waiting a game which they can edit without restrictions.

The next 10% are the typical malcontent from any game community and we go to ignore them.[:D]

rico21 -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 8:26:32 AM)

I want to say that I love Battle Academy and that I hate theater of war which has made probably by probationers.

zakblood -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 8:55:54 AM)

i like and play most war games but don't judge many before they come out, and will hold off until after they get fully released, i like what i've seen so far and look forward to more of the same, as the closer the date comes to release, the better it will be, hit or not, it will be something new and i for one look forward to it all the same.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 9:43:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: zakblood

i like and play most war games but don't judge many before they come out, and will hold off until after they get fully released, i like what i've seen so far and look forward to more of the same, as the closer the date comes to release, the better it will be, hit or not, it will be something new and i for one look forward to it all the same.

For be honest........I do not believe how you judge them really even after the release.;) Please tell me one hard critic from you here or in slitherine forums before answer me.:)

Hexagon -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 10:04:36 AM)

In the art part is an alpha and we can see more improvements before release (for example vehicles with camo and or less plastic look and enviroment could be improve a little more) and even with all limitations looks a loooot better than i expected as i said for me only need more "colour" in units and improve a little enviroment look outside desert area.

In the content area... after 4 years not add the ability to play full campaign as axis is a little sad.

I need admit i dont understand very well why they focus to much first CC with new engine in a single unit (big red one) when is more clever use a generic title like "Close Combat: WWII battles - The bloody first" or something similar showing game is not going to be only about that specific formation... but first is necesary know if we are going to have old CC system with a ton of individual titles or a more DLC based system with a base game with new content over it to have all work done over a single instalation.

Mods for me were the biggest CC value BUT one thing is have 1 game and mod over it and other have 3-4 or more titles to mod over them that was for me the thing that limit more the CC value in mod area (no WWI mods for CC5 for example but yes in CC3 or Matrix CCs offer to much diferent titles to mod with different engines evolutions... Road To Arhem offered the most complete for me but needed deal with more titles).

Lets see how game evolution but i doubt a lot we talk about a summer release... expect if for december if all works fine and we dont need wait next year.

rico21 -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/25/2018 10:15:22 AM)

Zakbloody first?[:D]

Benedict151 -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/27/2018 3:40:59 PM)

Hello Hexagon - you won't be waiting until next year (2019), really

zakblood -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/27/2018 3:56:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nomada_Firefox


ORIGINAL: zakblood

i like and play most war games but don't judge many before they come out, and will hold off until after they get fully released, i like what i've seen so far and look forward to more of the same, as the closer the date comes to release, the better it will be, hit or not, it will be something new and i for one look forward to it all the same.

For be honest........I do not believe how you judge them really even after the release.;) Please tell me one hard critic from you here or in slitherine forums before answer me.:)

How i choose to air my views are my own, and when i make them, i send them direct via pm, my views my choice[;)]

Hexagon -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/28/2018 11:22:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: Benedict151

Hello Hexagon - you won't be waiting until next year (2019), really

Nice, expect we can have soon beta, looks like game needs more a long beta period to start closing open fronts ASAP and focus in have game in first final version and not only focus in hardware test.

Benedict151 -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/28/2018 1:45:59 PM)

Hello Hexagon

A short sharp Alpha very soon ... and then a long-ish beta
We certainly want beta to be a lot more than merely a hardware test with feedback and suggestions actively encouraged, although at that point the core game design can't be changed of course.

Ben Wilkins

Hexagon -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (2/28/2018 6:41:01 PM)

Thanks for the reply, sounds well the long beta specially to improve things like the UI that for me is in last years a weak point in many wargames... looks like now have more empty the screen is "modern" and in BF use the last CC list of units over the map eat a lot of space, is not very informative (compared with the old CC unit panel where you can see the soldier status in all units at same time) and made hard do things when you have units in corners.

Good luck with alpha, expect we can be soon covering the formulary for beta [:D]

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (3/1/2018 8:05:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Benedict151

Hello Hexagon

A short sharp Alpha very soon ... and then a long-ish beta
We certainly want beta to be a lot more than merely a hardware test with feedback and suggestions actively encouraged, although at that point the core game design can't be changed of course.

Ben Wilkins

Very good news.

Hexagon -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (3/2/2018 7:48:37 AM)

Well, sign in for Alpha-Beta is up, looks like things are moving.

And we have a new image...

More i see it more i think that unit squares (with NATO symbols) need an extra... maybe give to every unit a number and show it in the unit list + unit counter??? right to NATO symbol and over unit image.... even is possible use a number+letter system, something like "1/A/1" to know the unit is the 1st unit in A platoon of 1st company (you can have for example in cooperative 3/B/2 to show 3rd unit in B platoon for player 2), if we cant see units with diferent colours in their info panels to know who is from every platoon... at least use some kind of help here.

Expect be in beta soon, lets give alphas time to enjoy it [:D]

thekromewolf -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (4/11/2018 1:33:02 PM)

Is this guy serious. GTFO man..

let me explain something to all you people who are new to this series, if you want some epic 3D WW2 Tactical RTS then go play MOWAS2, COH or any others of the likes.

The tradition of CC has always be primary birdseye, maybe a little angle now with some 3D is good but it DOESNT NEED TO BE like MOW, the CAMERA ANGLES ARE FINE, the 3D style is FINE, ITS IN THE TRADITION OF THE SERIES.

You know what RUINED BATTLEFIELD after BF2? they made Bad company 2 and it was so on par with COD in a sense of being a freaken cage shooter it wasnt funny, same with RS2 Vietnam, the devs even admited years back they were trying to cap the COD audience, in regards to BF THANK F for project reality now SQUAD which is WAY superior to battlefield.

Us hardcore fans who have been following the genre since we were kids dont want the devs to change it to your preference, if you wanna play some EPIC 3D RTS like i said go play MOW but dont come complaining around here bud.

There seems to be abit of hate towards the bloody first, even that wargamer pleb had a whinge but thankfully he barely knows what his on about.

Hexagon -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (4/12/2018 1:16:30 PM)

Close combat is about small units actions with a heavy focus in morale-status in soldiers where every soldier count, CC is not 2D over 3D, this is something more based in your preference, for example i think turns is better over real time in tactical games with that level of detail but is a question of taste.

To be fair i want a solid engine-simulation, if is in 2D ok but if is in 3D and well done i dont have problems... maybe here the problem with 3D is real time based.

See Syrian Warfare, is a extrange but great mix of RTS and tactical game, of course is not at the level of CC in 2nd part but looks like what i want in a game based in small combat and is 3D and realtime...

But new CC is going to cover 2D and 3D at same time, you can play as you want, lets see how engine adapt to CC style.

thekromewolf -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (4/16/2018 4:58:56 PM)

mate i jsut played TOW3 Korea, it was THEE BIGGEST PIECE OF DOGSHIT i have ever played, AI so unresponsive, i literally cleared a ville then searched the map for the remaining AI to find out there were still some in the ville, I SCOURED the WHOLE PLACE, the AI have this invisibilty skill you see....NO the game is trash, i refunded my money after two missions, please stop talking honestly your cancer.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (4/18/2018 3:46:34 PM)

Guys. Keep it civil. And please avoid caps in posts.



Destraex -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (6/2/2018 12:39:15 PM)

I am sure the graphics will improve. Then we will have both close combat realistic mechanics with an amazing graphical experience and vastly improved AI to boot. After all these years something amazing will come forth.
We will have coop multiplayer with a great strategic map. This will be total war like in terms of popularity. Be considered a best of breed.

Sheez I hope I get a testing invite :)

Tejszd -> RE: Even Battle Academy Looks Superior To This (6/3/2018 3:40:40 AM)

Heard the AI promises before....

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