rico21 -> Panzer Command Ricostfront (2/25/2018 11:34:05 AM)
Great Game, Great Design Game Team, Great Community...[&o] So I decided to publish my first scenario about a town story you maybe know: Leningrad. Small scenario whithout pretentions, 500 pts, 50 turns. As it's the first, do not hesitate to be nasty, I like to have new friends...[:)] The great city of Leningrad was being strangled, its people dying by the thousands. The Germans had been blockading the city since the first week of September, 1941. However, the city was not entirely cut off. Supplies were still coming in on a haphazard basis on a rail line through the city of Volkhov. To totally cut off the city, Hitler planned to send his forces across the Volkhov River. Once that was accomplished it would effectively cut all lines of supply to Leningrad. The Red Army's savage counterattacks all across the Volkhov River left a very large butcher's bill to keep the lines of supply open to Leningrad. Paste the Leningrad1.xml file in C:\Matrix Games\Panzer Command Ostfront\Data\Scenarios Enjoy and don't talk about it to Zakblood![:D]