Oleg Mastruko -> (5/30/2003 11:18:37 PM)
I am certain historic admirals neither knew, nor used (or tried to use) range advantage in historic CV battles of early period... We, players, have ENORMOUS advantage over historic leaders. Zero's range was well known and used, but not the range of other CV (and non-CV) based planes. You can constantly find references in literature that seem almost ridicolous when looked from "our" (todays) perspective. Official USN plane recognition sheet lists Betty as "probably carrier based" aircraft. USN raports of battle of Coral Sea mention Me-109 fighters. Yamamoto was sure Doolittle raid was launched from Midway, as he refused to believe B25s could fly off CV decks. Japanese pilots were shocked at the first sight of B17. And so on, and so on. Historical knowledge of enemy equipment capabitilies in this early period was VERY limited. Admirals could not have relied on reliable data as to enemy range etc. I agree with Nikademus that UV, at least in CV battles, manages to represent this uncertainty quite good. Aircraft "encyclopedia" that is always at the player's fingertips is another matter :) O.