Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (Full Version)

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trueaaginor -> Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/15/2018 2:19:03 PM)

Hey folks,

I'm quite new to Distant Worlds Universe and try to get my head around the mechanics, their implications and so on. I red some Guides and like to play with as less automation as possible. There are some questions that came up will playing, maybe you can answer them?

Regarding mining:
- What means the percentage value of a resource on a space object? I understand the more the better, but how does this number effects the (which) game mechanic? What's the difference between a giant and an asteorid regarding resource mining (say, they have the same percentage on the resource)?
- There are private mining ships, they seem to be independent from "my" stations. Do they also add to the resource production? What's the difference between a mining station and a mining ship (beside the fact, that the ship is not immovable)
- How is the output of a mining station calculated? I understand, that there seems to be a "tick" (1 game day?) and each tick produces a certain amount of the given resource. How does stacking mining components effect the outcome?
- When I check the cargo of a mining station I see an amount of the expected resources for that mining station. But there is also a list of other resources, mainly at the amount of 50. Why are they there and from where did they come?

Regarding retrofit:
- I have multiple specialized designs for the same type (f.e. a mining station with no luxury extractors for objects with no luxuries and a mining station with multiple luxury extractors. When I retrofit, I want to retrofit to the upgrade for that specialized design. But retrofit seems to always retrofit to the latest design of the given type. So I have to do it for each mine manually, because I need to select the proper specialized design. Any way to prevent this?

Regarding resources
- Is there any convenient way to check the availability of my empires resource total, without manually checking all the spaceports?
- Is there some sort of statistic to see the change of the amount of my resources over time? To see which resource is in heavy use, close to depletion and so on to be able to plan expansion with some numbers in mind?

Regarding ships:
- Where can I set the behavior for the ship. Only in the design?

Thanks in advance,

Bingeling -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/15/2018 6:26:28 PM)

As far as I know:

- The percentage is what matters, whether it is a large planet or an asteroid does not matter.
- Mining ships produce much less over time, and go where the AI feels like they need to go. They can help out when you lack sources for certain resources.
- There are formulas floating around, maybe found in the sticky guide to guides. The percentage is how much of "max" the resource gives. You need enough mining components to reach max output. I believe in the real world you need two mining components to pretty much max out (and maybe only one at late game tech).
- The stations are supplied with a small store of resources to help them with retrofitting in the future.

- You have discovered the issue. The "efficient" way to do this is to use the ship list. You can show only mining stations, and select all of stations of a certain design (sort by some suitable value, control and shift clicks). At the bottom of the list you have a pulldown that lets you select what design to retrofit to.

- There are totals at the top of the expansion planner. Number of sources, and total stores.
- There is no good tracking over time. What I would do is to look at the stores in the expansion planner, and make mental notes of the "low" ones. At certain times I check back and note if the value is increasing or decreasing.

- What kind of behavior? You can temporarily switch engagements stances by a button around the selection panel. But they are dropped when an order is given. The standoff settings and such are only in the design screen.

syrkres -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/17/2018 1:18:20 PM)

Third try attempting to post (these forums suck).

google: "Distant Worlds Guide to Guides Mk II", it has a list of guides which explain a lot of what you want.

For resource management try google "Distant Worlds Universe | Tutorial 13 - Resource Management" which goes over Expansion planner (your friend).

Sorry for brevity, but it keeps rejecting my long posts....

MaGicBush -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/18/2018 12:33:21 AM)

Yea I am new here, and had troubles logging in as well as posting earlier. It kept logging me out and then saying the "security key doesn't match" on their bot check even though it matched.. Finally got it to work though after 20 minutes.

Hattori Hanzo -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/18/2018 1:12:17 AM)

Welcome in this Distant Galaxy, MaGicBush [8D]

MaGicBush -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/18/2018 3:14:01 AM)

Thanks! Having fun with the game so far :).

trueaaginor -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/27/2018 9:48:08 AM)

Thank you very much for the answers! :)

I start to get familar with the game and find my way around. There are still some things I don't quite understand and did not find a concrete answer:

1) Defending ships:
I usually have some ships around planets with frequent pirat raids. But those ships are usually very reluctant attacking the pirats. Only the ship that gets a hit from a pirat seems to attack it, so I usually have to order the other ships manually to join the fight. I tried to set the stance to defend the system or have them on patrol the planet / station but that doesn't seem to help. So, what is the best way to set my ships on attacking any hostile forces that pops up beside my planet?

2) Jump vectors:
From some ships I see the jump vector, thereby knowing where they are heading to. It would be very helpfull to be able to see this as well from pirate / enemy ships. Is there any convenient way to achieve this, besides handling with a ruler at the monitor?

3) Pirate raids:
I understand that a pirate raid works the following: Ships are approaching, trying to land some troops, plundering the planet, retreat. So, even if I have a massive fleet at the planet, as long as a single pirate is able to land troops at my planet, the pirates can steal some resouces/tech/coin (and probably teleporting them to their secret base, because all of their ships are blown away a glimpse of an eye later. But ok.). So I tried to put some troops at the planet, to repulse the invaders, but the pirates *still* steal my stuff (and annoy my people ... ) So - how can I effectively defend my planet from a regular pirate raid?

Fjoelsvider -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/27/2018 12:45:27 PM)

1) game options and then empire settings where the automation stuff is. you probably set default engagement stances to "when attacked", if they are try setting them on other settings to find out which you prefer. personally i have them all on "engage system targets"

2) i dont think you can for pirates. enemy ships should show that line if they attack you, not quite sure if long range scanners are needed for that, i have them on every base always so i wouldnt know what happens if you are missing long range scanners.

3) planetary troops should be enough, maybe you had too few of them or they werent done recruiting? if you defend against it you get a message saying something like "we repelled a raid" so it does work

trueaaginor -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (3/27/2018 1:44:19 PM)

Hey Fjoelsvider, thanks for the reply! :)

1) Ah, that might be it. I have everything besides intelligence agents at manual. I'll check it, when playing next time.

2) Yeah, I have those scanners around. There is also the proximity array, but I'm not quite sure how it works.

3) Hm, maybe they weren't done recruiting. Strange thing was, that I got the "you have been raided" message and some seconds later a "we repelled a raid" message, so that might have been the reason.

lucos -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (10/21/2018 11:32:47 AM)

About pirates raid, i think that it happened if they are able to retrieve their troops.
I.e, they land troops and fight start with your troops. If their fleet is destroyed right away, the fight on the surface will continue until the end and you’ll get the message of repelled raid.
But if they are able to bring a ship in orbit again, they can withdraw their troops and you get both message: raided and repelled.

At least, that’s how it seems to work for me.
I never got the double message if their fleet is destroy right away, but have it systematically otherwise. And in this last case, enemy ground troop disappear way too quickly for the battle to be over, so I figured that it was loaded back in their ships.

Siddham -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (10/21/2018 11:37:47 PM)

About defending local resources such as planets and mines etc in a solar system against pirate raids
What I find best is to make a small fleet of the defense ships and then use the fleet posture options to set them to automatically defend the solar system.
The fleet will then attack any enemy that enters the solar system.
The fleet posture options are below the selection box (lower left).
This is the sequence I use - 1. set the homebase to a planet or base 2. set to defense 3. set to system 4. and then automate
Hope that helps a little

Bingeling -> RE: Questions regarding mining, resources and ships (10/23/2018 3:34:02 PM)

My main defense against pirates:

Colonies, try to defend them, but it breaks down fast if you got more than one in the early game. Defend the home system, keep the pirates busy by rebuilding the mines they attack there. They will visit, they will learn about the mines, they will attack them. They love hunting the continental that I mine and leave the fuel mine I really need the most alone.

In the early game, build mines outside colony systems, in systems that are empty. Pirates won't visit unless they know about the mine. Or a new clan may explore, a construction or resupply ship may appear, but some mines will survive and keep you going.

When big enough to field a decent fleet, hunt every single pirate base you can get hold of mercilessly. If attacked, take note of the clan, use whatever means (spies, dead reckoning...) to locate their base. Destroy it. Keep doing this and you do not need further pirate defenses. If they have no base nearby, they won't bother you.

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