AKar -> RE: Airplanes / Too low speeds at high altitude (3/20/2018 6:40:56 AM)
Is there any minimum speed in the database, per unit? Would it make sense to include a calculation to the database values that would keep the minimum IAS constant over altitudes? It would be rather rough, but still a reasonable estimate. I can figure it would be pretty laborious to search out for actual minimum speeds for every unit, not least because it varies quite a bit and is a function of weight, among the other factors. As an example, the KC-10 performance data quotes a minimum refuel speed, which would be (without the wing pods) 1.2 g buffet onset speed plus 5 KIAS. For the sake of this example, if we assumed 500 klbs mass at station, that would be roughly Mach 0.68 or 400 kTAS. Stall boundary speed at 30000 ft and 500 klbs is about 218 kIAS, or Mach 0.59 approximately, that is 346 kTAS. I think the refueling in real life is usually performed at lower altitudes (?), but the topic would still apply to loiter speeds. In CMANO, airplanes that loiter at high altitude fly at significantly low speeds at times. Cheers!