Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (Full Version)

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Benedict151 -> Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (3/19/2018 4:22:20 PM)

Hello all
Thank you for your continued patience but I am pleased so say that the first test group has now been set up and emails sent to everyone that is part of that

Please check your inboxes (and span/junk folders as sometimes our mail outs do seem to be treated as junk mails by some clients)

As we have said the first group is very small and apologies to those of you who are not part of it. However please do not 'despair'. We will be looking to expand the alpha test in around 10-14 days so perhaps we'll 'see' you then. Failing that we will be looking for lots of people to help with the beta before too long

Ben Wilkins

thekromewolf -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (4/11/2018 1:16:05 PM)

Cool stuff man, i signed up for beta, ive been playiing your series since i was a kid, im 32 now, love your series man, devs like you guys and the jagged alliance crew made some of the best games even still possessing replay value til this day that still keep us entertained where as alot of other companys just went down hill and startup companys are really killing it atm.

If you guys have a donation link or something id love to help the cause.

Hexagon -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (4/27/2018 12:44:34 PM)

Any info about first beta round???

I still can enter in alpha forum area, can download the alpah but no e-mail with serial [&:]

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (4/27/2018 2:45:37 PM)

The current plan is for a break in testing to allow us to work on feedback we have gotten, and to finalise the other features, prior to a beta phase. We don't have a date but the break it likely to be measured in months.



GrdAdmiral -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (9/10/2018 8:26:04 AM)

Any word or estimate on the beta yet?

Sedghammer -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/24/2018 2:24:46 AM)

Any chance there will be another alpha wave? Still very interested.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/24/2018 3:14:17 PM)

The current plan (subject to change of course!) is that when we are close to a real beta version we will do a soft beta with the original Alpha testers, followed by a larger beta programme.



dmagnusson -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/30/2018 4:21:57 PM)

I'm on to alpha test it :-)

dmagnusson123 @

zakblood -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/30/2018 4:31:37 PM)

alpha test is over, now onto early beta[;)]

as posted above

dmagnusson -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/30/2018 5:35:38 PM)

sorry ddint read.. can i be BETA tester ?

/THX Dan M

zakblood -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/30/2018 6:11:11 PM)

you'd need to sign up, but it's early beta first for those who was on the alpha, pre beta etc first, then open to everyone who signs up and gets selected

dmagnusson -> RE: Close Combat Alpha Test Starting (10/30/2018 6:29:06 PM)

okey thx :-)

/Dan M

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