michaelm75au -> RE: Modified unit attributes are now saved during unit exportation? (8/16/2020 7:18:28 AM)
Here is one of your INST files ... quote:
"MemberRecords": [ { "Member_DBID": 3222, "Member_GUID": "794cacea-b642-4520-8c71-5e7e9305eacb", "MemberType": "Aircraft", "MemberName": "F-15E Strike Eagle", "ParentGroupName": null, "Longitude": -28.846056309341268, "Latitude": 59.97088761721691, "Altitude": 0.0, "LoadoutID": 15500, "Orientation": 0.0, "HostedAircraftRecords": [], "EmbarkedBoatRecords": [], "MagazineRecords": [], "Member_SBR": "<DeltaUnit>\r\n <Unit_794cacea-b642-4520-8c71-5e7e9305eacb>\r\n <!--F-15E Strike Eagle (F-15E Strike Eagle [3222])-->\r\n <MountAdd_2555>\r\n <!--AN/ALE-55 Triple x 1 [3 Decoys]-->\r\n <Cov>\r\n <Seg>360</Seg>\r\n </Cov>\r\n </MountAdd_2555>\r\n </Unit_794cacea-b642-4520-8c71-5e7e9305eacb>\r\n</DeltaUnit>" }, The delta ("Member_SBR":) is included in the file so it doesn't need to run a delta. If that block is removed, it is the same as before. Which be the case if the mods weren't done.