bcgames -> RE: Close Air Support during night turns (3/26/2018 5:17:20 AM)
The short answer is Yes--you are quite correct in your estimate. The Night turn in Desert War also includes those hours of light that bookend The Night (aka BMNT and EENT). The slightly longer answer. The Night turn in Desert War is 12 hours long; twice as long as the normal 6-hour day turns. This means it takes twice as long to get anything done ground unit wise...and the reason you can recover double readiness if you allow your units (Land and Air) to just sit idle and rest. On the air side of the house, dawn and dusk don't align so nicely when it comes to defining their mission profiles because the times change. Time of year determines how long Night actually lasts in any theater of operations--because it isn't 12-hours of darkness. Maybe someday the DW engine can make the appropriate allowances/adjustments for this factor. We already have Night Fighter and Night Bomber capability (and the rules to support them) on our Wishlist. We'll see how it goes.