Rover -> Generated Campaign Problem? (6/6/2001 11:15:00 AM)
While playing about the seventh game of a WWII generated campaign as Germany (V5.01) I received a defend scenario holding all the victory hexes with the Soviets attacking during 7/41. It was a river crossing during which I noted the Soviets hardly used any artillery available and no smoke (this has already been noted elsewhere but thought I'd mention it).
The reason I'm writing is after it was over I was curious why I only saw infantry in the attack. Checked the post battlefield review and it turned out the Soviets had quite a number of tanks but they never moved. The game ended on about turn 13 so they had plenty of time. I clicked on a few to see if I could figure anything out and noticed they all had orders set to advance to 0,0.
Seems like they should have moved (all to the one corner square which wouldn't have made much sense in the real world) but they didn't. I just double checked and all the infantry units were also set to advance to 0,0 but they moved.
Thanks R